密 惠 保
In the past few decades, the logistics of the enterprise in the market to win the decision to become more and more obvious role. In essence, the performance of enterprises in the market is mainly determined by the quality of the product, price and supply of three factors, one of the factors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises are playing an important role, and these three factors are directly affected by the impact of logistics. The world economy will be in the vertical direction of the industry, suppliers, customers, trade and logistics companies to re division, the production and marketing of the logistics company will be the inevitable trend of logistics development. The third party logistics to supply chain participants bring many benefits and convenience, thus greatly welcomed by, huge market potential, in the future will shine.
Keywords: third party logistics; development; strategy; restriction
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)第三方物流含义 1
(二)第三方物流产生的背景 1
(三)第三方物流的作用 2
二、第三方物流发展的现状 4
三、我国第三方物流发展存在的最重要问题 6
(一)、缺乏专业的现代物流管理人才 6
(二)、没有有效利用现代物流科技手段 7
(三)、物流观念落后,自办物流现象突出 7
(四)、企业规模偏小,管理水平较低 7
(五)、物流渠道不畅,服务功能不全 7
四、我国第三方物流的发展对策分析 8
(一)、加快产权制度改革,激发企业活力 8
(二)、以信息技术应用为核心,加强网点建设 8
(三)、培育具有国际竞争力的物流集团,实行集约化经营 8
(四)、强化增值服务,发展战略同盟关系 9
(五)、重视物流人才培养,实施人才战略 9
五、促进第三方物流发展的政策建议 10
(一)、加大物流需求开发力度 10
(二)、构建企业的核心竞争力 10
(三)、加强物流专业人才的培养,促进物流的跨越式发展 12
(四)、利用信息技术提高物流企业的核心技术,提供个性化的增值服务 12
(五)、发展战略同盟 13
六 结束语 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 16 [资料来源:THINK58.com]