计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



       快速安装塔式起重机是一种下回转、能快速自行架设及整体拖运的建筑用塔式起重机,是在下回转、整体架设拖运式的基础上发展成为一个独立的品种系列。快速安装塔式起重机在发达国家的建筑和桥梁施工中得到广泛应用,其具有架设灵活、结构合理、承载能力强、运输方面、使用安全等特点。该起重设备可望在国内得到广泛应用,迫切需要开展相关关键技术研究。从技术发展方面来看,虽然新的产品层出不穷,新产品在生产效能、操作简便、保养容易和运行可靠方面均有提高,但是塔机的技术并无根本性的改变。塔机的研究正向着组合式发展。根据参数要求,选用适当模块分别组成具有不同技术性能特征的塔机,进行结构设计,以满足施工的具体需求。推行组合式的塔机有助于加快塔机产品开发进度,节省产品开发费用,并能更好的为客户服务。本文对快速安装塔式起重机的机构进行了设计,运用AutoCAD软件进行二维平面设计,PROE软件进行三维建模,从而得到了适当的机构参数与模型;同时也对锁紧装置进行设计,从而得到了一些基础模型,为快装塔机建立了基本的参数基础。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
关键词:快速安装     起重机     结构设计
Quick mounting mechanism design of the tower crane
        Quick Install tower crane is a next rotation, can quickly set up their own and overall haul of construction tower cranes, is the next rotation, the whole set up to develop into an independent style variety series haul basis. Quick Setup tower cranes are widely used in construction and bridge construction in developed countries, it has set up a flexible, reasonable structure, strong bearing capacity, transport, use of safety features. The lifting equipment is expected to be widely used in the country, the urgent need to carry out the relevant Key Technology. From a technical perspective of the development, although the new product after another, new products in production efficiency, simple operation, easy maintenance and reliable operation aspect has improved, but there is no fundamental change in tower crane technology. Research tower crane is toward modular development. According parameters required, choose the appropriate modules are composed of tower crane with different technical performance characteristics, structural design, to meet the specific needs of the construction. Implementation of modular tower crane tower crane products help accelerate development progress, save product development costs, and better customer service.In this paper, institutions quickly install a tower crane has been designed using AutoCAD software for two-dimensional design, PROE software for 3D modeling, to obtain the appropriate institutional parameters and model; but also on the locking device is designed to give some basic models for quick tower crane foundation established basic parameters. [来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords: rapid installation   crane   design

内塔身=2500Kg    外塔身=2400Kg
臂节1=565Kg        臂节2=606Kg        臂节3=465Kg



目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II


目  录    III
第一章 绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2技术问题及现状    1
1.3主要工作    2
第二章 安装过程电机功率计算    4
2.1引言    4
2.2电动机的选型    4
2.3起升机构电动机的功率计算    5
2.3.1钢丝绳计算    5
2.3.2卷筒的尺寸转速计算    6
2.3.3电动机的选择    7
2.3.4减速器的选择    8
第三章 起升机构锁紧装置设计    10
3.1研究背景    10
3.2研究方法    10
3.3装置示意图    11
3.4小结    13
第四章 塔身锁紧装置三维实体建模    14
4.1引言    14
4.2快装塔机的锁紧装置三维建模    14
4.3快装塔机的安装    16
第五章 总结与展望    19 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
5.1总结    19
5.2展望    20
参考文献    21
致谢    23 [版权所有:http://think58.com]