密 惠 保
摘 要:本论文主要以功能翻译理论为指导讨论英文歌词翻译的原则和技巧问题。从中,我们得出结论,歌词翻译是一项具有目标性的活动。在遵循目的原则和忠实原则的基础上,翻译者需要根据歌曲的特点采用合适的翻译法。本论文的研究究具有重要意义,不仅有助于西方音乐在中国的传播,同时也有利于促进中西文化之间的交流。
A Study of Principles and Techniques in Translating Song Lyrics
Abstract: This paper attempts to discuss the principles and techniques by the guidance of functional translation theory. The conclusion is drawn as follows: translating song lyrics is a type a purposeful activity. Hence, guided by the principle of Skopos rule and Loyalty rule, the translators ought to adapt appropriate techniques base on song’s features. The research is of great significance to the prevalence of English songs in China and intercommunication of the art of music between China and the western countries.
Key words: Song lyrics; Functional translation theory; Principles of translation; Translation techniques
Key words………………………………………………………………………1
Introduction………………………………………………………………………2 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
1 General review of song lyrics translation in China…………….…...3
1.1 Features of songs lyrics and song……………………………………..……3
1.2 Review of song lyrics translation in China…………………..………4
2 Introduction of functional translation theory………………….………6
2.1 Development of functional translation theory…………………………6
2.2 Katharina Reiss and the functional category of translation criticism…...........6
2.3 Hans J. Verneer: Skopos theory.....................................................7
2.4 Justa Holz-Manttari and theory of translation action………………..8
2.5 Christiane Nord and theory of function plus loyalty……………….8
3 Basic principles of English-Chinese lyrics translation………………...……….9
3.1 Skopos rule in English-Chinese translation of song lyrics….........................10
3.2 Loyalty rule in English-Chinese translation of song lyrics……..…….….11
4 Translation techniques for song lyrics translation………………….…………12
4.1 Literal translation……………..……………………………………….…...12
4.2 Amplification……………………….………………………………….…...13
4.3 Adaptation………….………..……………………………………………14 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
4.4 Omission.........................................................................................................14