密 惠 保
摘 要:我们都知道中国传统文化中权威制的道德观念一直影响着人们的思想和生活。尽管民主与平等的口号提出已久,但在今天的现实生活中,尊卑现象依然严重存在。在西方虽然也存在着尊卑的现象,但其平权观念已经深入人心,在人与人之间,政策上,法律等等上都反映了它的平权思想。本论文从称谓词、方位词、性别词汇三方面比较了中西方在尊卑与平权上的不同,并分析了形成这种差异的原因,从而使英语学习者能够更顺利的进行跨文化交际。
The Differences Between China and the West - The Vocabulary of Superiority and Inferiority, Equal Rights
Abstract: We all know that the moral sense of authority in Chinese traditional culture has always influenced people’s thought and life. Although the slogan of democracy and equality have been put forward for a long time, in today’s real life, the phenomenon of superior and inferior still seriously exists in human being . Although the phenomenon of superior and inferior still exists in west, its equal rights are deeply rooted in people’s mind which reflects their equal rights in the relations on human being, policy, law and so on .This essay compares the differences of China and western countries in superiority and inferiority, equal rights from the vocabulary of appellation, direction word and gender vocabulary and analyze the forming reasons so as to help English learners to make a better cross-cultural communication.
Key words: Superiors and inferiors; Equal rights; Vocabulary; Differences