YTP26气腿式凿岩机机体工艺及夹具设计 毕业设计/毕业论文/课题报

密 惠 保
This design draft ,mainly about the technological process of YTP26 Air-leg Rock Drill, and elabora about the milling machine typical jig design. The full text divides five chapters. The first chapter is the origin of introduction. The second chapter is the goal and technical analysis of introduction. After that, I carried on the craft analysis of the production type determination, and the semifinished, and the craftroute formulation, and the processing remainder determination, and so on. It is general about seven aspects. Third chapter introduced simply the engine bed jig designs concept. Fourth chapter and the fifth chapter separately from the work piece localization determination, the clamp organization design, the jig other installment design, the jig body design and the jig principle of work five aspects, introduced the milling machine unit clamp and the lathe unit clamp design process.
Key words: Rock drill;Craft analysis; Unit clamp; Six localization principle [资料来源:]
1 前言 3
2 凿岩机机头的工艺规程 4
2.1 本课题的目的意义和技术分析 4
2.2 生产类型的确定 5
2.3 毛坯的分析 6
2.4 工艺路线的制定 7
2.5 加工余量的确定 13
2.6 各工序工艺装备的确定 16
2.7 切削用量的确定 20
2.8 工序时间的计算 23
3 机床夹具设计的概述 28
4 铣削耳孔专用夹具设计 30
4.1 工件的定位 30
4.2 工件的夹紧 31
4.3 夹具其它装置的设计 33
4.4 铣削耳孔夹具的工作原理 35
5 车削大端孔专用夹具设计 38
5.1 工件的定位 38
5.2 工件的夹紧 40
5.3 夹具其它装置的设计 42
5.4 夹具体的设计 42
5.5 车削大端孔夹具的工作原理 43
参考文献 45
致谢 46
结论 47 [版权所有:]