CA10B前刹车调整臂外壳加工工艺设计及专用夹具设计 毕业设计/毕
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本设计是调整臂外壳的加工工艺及专用夹具设计。考虑零件在机床运行过程中所受冲击不大,零件结构又比较简单,故选择铸件毛坯。它的主要加工面是孔、调整臂的几个端面和槽,在加工中由于面的加工精度要比孔的加工精度容易保证。因此,在设计中采用先面后孔的原则,并将孔与平面的加工划分为粗加工和精加工阶段,以保证加工精度。在本设计中,先以R41外圆加工出两端面,再以该基准面加工相应的孔。在后面的工序中,均以该孔与端面为定位基准,加工调整臂的孔、槽和一些端面,在整个加工过程中,分别采用了铣床、钻床和车床。并设计了铣侧面、镗孔和铣槽等的专用夹具,并对它们的定位都采用了一面两销定位。由于该零件的尺寸不大,所需的夹紧力不大。因此,夹紧方式都采用手动夹紧,它的夹紧简单,机构的设计更为方便,满足夹紧要求。 [资料来源:]
关键词: 调整臂外壳零件,毛坯、加工工艺,专用夹具,定位, 夹紧 [来源:]
The shell design is the adjustment of the processing technology boom and exclusive fixture design. Consider the parts in the machine is running is not the hardest hit, spare parts and relatively simple structure, the choice of rough castings. Its main processing is the hole surface, adjusting the number of face and arm slot, in the process of machining accuracy due to face processing than the hole to ensure the accuracy of easily. Therefore, the use in the design after the first hole of the principle of surface and hole and two-dimensional processing is divided into roughing and finishing stages to ensure the machining accuracy. In this design, the first R41 at both ends of the cylindrical surface processing, and then base-level processing of the corresponding hole. The processes behind both holes with the end of the baseline for positioning, processing to adjust the arm holes, slots, and some face in the whole process, namely the use of a milling machine, drilling machine and lathe. And the design of the side milling, boring and milling fixture dedicated ducts and their location use the side of the two targeted marketing. Due to the size of the parts do not, the clamping force is not required. Therefore, the clamping means are manually clamping, clamping it simple, more convenient for the design of institutions to meet the requirements clamping. [资料来源:]
Key words: Adjustment arm shell parts, rough, processing technology, a dedicated fixture, positioning, clamping [资料来源:]
摘要 I
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
第二章:概述 2
2.1夹具的现状几生产对其提出新的要求 2
2.2现代夹具的发展发向 3
2.3机床夹具及其功用 4
2.4机床夹具在机械加工中的作用 5
2.5机床夹具组成和分类 6
2.6机床夹具的分类 7
2.7机床夹具设计特点 9
2.8机床夹具的设计要求 10
第三章 零件的分析 11
3.1零件的工艺分析 11
第四章 工艺规程设计 14
4.1确定毛坯的制造形式 14
4.2基面的选择 14
4.3制定工艺路线 14
4.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 16
4.5确立切削用量及基本工时 18
第五章 夹具设计 34
5.1铣侧面夹具设计 34
5.2 定位基准的选择 34
5.3切削力和夹紧力计算 35
5.4定位误差分析 36
5.5 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39
附件1 40
附件2 50 [来源:]