
密 惠 保
Research on flux observation technology of asynchronous motor at zero frequency
The induction motor can not install speed sensor in some occasions, and the motor may run in the power generation model for a long time at low speed, and the synchronization frequency of the motor is close to zero. Traditional observation theory can not observe the flux linkage of the motor, so it is necessary to study the flux linkage observation technology at zero frequency.
In this paper, the flux observation technology of asynchronous motor at zero frequency is studied. Voltage-type observation model with high applicability without speed sensor and low-pass filter with compensation are used to improve the model. The DC component in stator flux can be eliminated or restrained obviously, and the attenuation of AC component can be avoided as far as possible by feedback compensation. The size and spatial position of the rotor flux are calculated. The accuracy of the new flux observer is verified by comparing the current model of the rotor flux observer.
In the process of this research, the new flux observer model is simulated, and the rotor flux observer of the existing model is simulated. By comparison, we can see whether the new flux observer is applicable at low speed.
Key words: No speed sensor, asynchronous motor, zero frequency, low speed, flux observation, voltage observation model, current observation model, stator flux, rotor flux.
目录 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2磁链观测技术的现状及发展 2
1.2.1 转子磁链观测器 2
1.2.2 定子磁链观测器 3
1.3磁链观测技术的必要性 4
1.4本文的主要研究内容和章节安排 4
第二章 异步电机数学模型及起动 6
2.1 运行方式 6
2.2 异步电机动态数学模型及结构图 6
2.2.1 静止三相坐标系中的异步电机动态数学模型 6
2.2.2 3s/2s变换,也称Clark变换 7
2.2.3 坐标系中的异步电机动态数学模型 8
2.2.4 异步电机直接起动运行结构图 9
2.3 本章小结 9
第三章 改进的电压型磁链观测器 10
3.1 普通的电压型磁链观测器 10
3.2 改进型积分器 11
3.2.1 低通滤波器的原理 11
3.2.2 信号补偿 12
3.3.3 三种改进型积分器 13
3.3 低通滤波器替代纯积分器的电压模型 15
3.4 电流型磁链观测器 16
3.5 本章小结 17
第四章 异步电机起动仿真图和磁链观测仿真 18
4.1异步电机起动仿真图 18
4.2 磁链观测仿真图 18
4.3 电流型磁链观测器仿真 21
4.4 本章小结 21
第五章 仿真参数设置与结果分析 22
5.1仿真参数设置 22
5.2 仿真结果及分析 22
5.2.1 异步电机起动结果及分析 22
5.2.2 磁链观测环节仿真结果及分析 24
5.2.3电流型磁链观测器的转子磁链观测仿真结果 26
5.3 本章小结 26
第六章 总结与展望 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30 [来源:http://www.think58.com]