
密 惠 保
Simulation on Synchronous Generator with PSS and Its Excitation System by MATLAB
Abstract:This paper focuses on the role of power system stabilizer (PSS) and excitation controller in maintaining the stability of synchronous generator. The concept, principle, function and research status of power system stabilizer (PSS) and excitation controller are briefly introduced. Simulink is used to model and simulate, The experimental results show that the input of the power system stabilizer can quickly quell the oscillation and significantly improve the system under the large disturbance of the system under the different operating modes (three-phase short-circuit and broken fault) Stability, thus verifying that the synchronous generator system with the excitation controller installed is still necessary to install the Power System Stabilizer (PSS).
Key words:Synchronous generator; matlab; excitation control system; PSS

1引言 3
2同步发电机励磁控制系统 3
2.1励磁控制系统的原理 3
2.2励磁控制系统的作用 4
2.2.1维持发电机机端电压 4
2.2.2在并列运行的发电机间合理分配无功功率 4
2.2.3提高电力系统的稳定性 5
2.3励磁控制系统的分类 5
2.4励磁控制系统发展 5
2.5励磁控制系统国内外研究现状 6
3电力系统稳定器(PSS) 6
3.1电力系统稳定器的原理 6
3.2电力系统稳定器的作用 7
3.2.1抑制低频振荡 7
3.2.2提高小干扰稳定功率极限 8
3.2.3提高系统大干扰稳定性的作用 8 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
3.3电力系统稳定器在国内的应用 8
3.4电力系统稳定器在国外研究状况 9
5同步发电机PSS与励磁系统的SIMULINK仿真内容 9
5.1系统建模 9
5.2仿真中的故障设置 14
5.2.1 三相接地短路故障 14
5.2.2 断线故障 15
5.3仿真运行 16
5.3.1 三相接地短路故障 17
5.3.2断路故障 17
6 仿真结果波形及分析 18
6.1三相接地短路故障 18
6.1.1三相接地短路实验Ifd波形 18
6.1.2三相接地短路实验vs_q vs_d波形 19
6.1.3三相接地短路实验wm波形 20
6.1.4三相接地短路实验Delta、Peo、Pe波形 21
6.2断路故障 22
6.2.1断路实验Ifd波形 22
6.2.2断路实验vs q 与 vs d波形 23
6.2.3断路实验wm波形 24
6.2.4断路实验Delta、Peo、Pe波形 25
6.3仿真实验中的不足及原因 26
6.4仿真实验总结 27
7毕业设计总结和展望 27
7.1本次毕业设计主要研究的内容与获得的成果 27
7.2需进一步做的研究 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30