
密 惠 保
Lightning protection design of 110kv substation
Abstract:Lightning is a phenomena of majestic and intimidating discharge with flashlight and thunder.This discharge produces lightning currents up to a few tens or hundreds of amperes, creating powerful mechanicaleffect, thermal effectand electromagnetic effect.This natural phenomenon can easily damage the normal operation of the power system and pose a great threat to system security.Substation playsavitalroleinthepowersystem.The substation's lightning protection design plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability of the user's power supply, meeting the growing power load, and ensuring the stability of the operation of the power system.This paper introduced the formation of lightning, the classification and development process of lightning, and the parameters of lightning, and introduced the damage of lightning.The basic principles and principles of lightning protection in substations are explained in detail, and two calculation methods for lightning protection range are clarified.Based on the basic background and data of the existing substation, detailed calculation and analysis of grid short circuit current are presented.According to the obtained short circuit current, the calculation of ground grid design and ground resistance was carried out, and various possible methods to reduce the ground resistance were proposed.This paper alsocompleted arresting position, specific position, security protectionanddescription arrester.Finally, a lightning protection design for a relatively complete 110kv substation was made. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key words:lightning;substation;lightning protection; grounding device;grounding resistance
1 雷电的基本知识 5
1.1 雷电的形成 5
1.2 雷电的分类 5
1.2.1 直击雷 5
1.2.2 感应雷 6
1.2.3 雷电侵入波 6
1.2.4 球形雷 6
1.3 雷电参数 6
1.4 雷电的危害 7
2 变电所的防雷保护 7
2.1 避雷针 7
2.2 避雷器 13
2.3 变电所建筑物的防雷 14
3 变电站的防雷接地 14
3.1 接地的分类 14
3.2 接地电阻 15
3.3 变电所接地装置 16
3.4接地电阻的构成和降低措施 17
4 110kv变电所防雷设计实例 17
4.1 变电所的概况 17
4.2短路电流的计算 18 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
4.2.1 短路电流的计算说明 18
4.2.2短路电流的详细计算 19
4.3 接地网设计 24
4.3.1 变电所接地网设计说明 24
4.3.2 接地网设计计算 24
4.4 防雷设计 27
4.4.1进线段保护 27
4.4.2 变压器的防雷保护 28
4.4.3 避雷针装设位置和保护范围计算 28
4.4.4 避雷器的选择 30
结论 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33