
密 惠 保
经过不断的访谈和调研,对学生宿舍管理系统的需求进行挖掘和分析,对系统功能进行研究和设计,确定系统主要包括两部分:微信小程序端和Web端。微信小程序端主要基于微信Web开发者工具进行开发,Web端主要基于JAVA语言进行开发。本文从绪论、需求分析、系统设计、系统实现与测试、总结与展望五个方面来对系统开发的整个流程进行阐述。在需求分析阶段,结合功能概述和业务流程分析,确定了宿舍管理员、辅导员、物业管理员、学生四个系统角色,提出了登录、查询、入住、审核、查寝、同步、报修、保洁八个功能性需求及可扩充性、优交互性、安全性、可靠性四个非功能性需求。基于需求分析,系统设计六个功能子系统,其中在资产报修子系统和保洁管理子系统中设计统计分析功能模块,帮助系统使用人员进行相关业务管理。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Student work management in the face of a large number of frequent dormitory population flow, there are many problems, can not meet the actual needs of dormitory management. In the rapid development of Internet technology today, the use of the Internet for all sectors of the various business segments to improve efficiency, reduce costs and enhance the experience to become the trend of the times. The design and use of the student dormitory management system allows dormitory management to be more organized, more efficient and scientific.
Through continuous interviews and research, the demand for student dormitory management system is excavated and analyzed, and the system function is researched and designed. The system consists of two parts: WeChat applet and Web end. WeChat applet mainly based on WeChat Web developer tools for development, Web-based mainly based on JAVA language development. This paper elaborates the whole process of system development from five aspects: introduction, demand analysis, system design, system realization and test, summary and prospect. In the analysis of needs, combined with functional overview and business process analysis, the dormitory administrator, counselor, property manager, student four system roles, put forward the registration, query, check, check, check sleep, synchronization, repair, cleaning Eight functional requirements and scalability, excellent interaction, security, reliability of the four non-functional requirements. Based on the demand analysis, the system design six functional subsystems, which in the asset repair subsystem and cleaning management subsystem design statistical analysis function module to help the system staff to carry out related business management.
The development of dormitory management system based on WeChat applet has certain innovation and practicability, which can be very close to students, attract students, and help students work management and logistics department to improve work efficiency and optimize management level.
Key Words:WeChat applet;Dormitory management system;Statistical Analysis

1绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文主要工作 2
1.4本文组织结构 3
2需求分析 4
2.1系统功能概述 4
2.2业务流程分析 6
2.3系统角色分析 6
2.4功能性需求分析 8
2.4.1登录功能 8
2.4.2查询功能 8
2.4.3入住功能 9
2.4.4审核功能 10
2.4.5查寝功能 11
2.4.6同步功能 11
2.4.7报修功能 12
2.4.8保洁通报 12
2.4非功能性需求分析 13
2.4.1可扩充性需求 13
2.4.2优交互性需求 13
2.4.3安全性需求 13
2.4.4可靠性需求 13
3系统设计 14
3.1系统概要设计 14
3.1.1设计框架 14
3.1.2系统功能模块设计 14 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3.2系统功能设计 15
3.2.1登录管理子系统 15
3.2.2信息查询子系统 16
3.2.3入住管理子系统 16
3.2.4查寝管理子系统 17
3.2.5资产报修子系统 18
3.2.6保洁管理子系统 18
3.3数据库设计 19
3.3.1系统E-R图 19
3.3.2数据库表 24
4系统实现与测试 28
4.1系统开发环境 28
4.2系统功能实现 28
4.2.1学生角色功能实现 28
4.2.2物业人员角色功能实现 30
4.2.3宿舍管理员角色功能实现 31
4.2.4辅导员角色功能实现 32
4.3系统测试 33
5总结与展望 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39