
密 惠 保
Abstract:The rapid development of computer technology, internet technology and IOT technology contributed to the continuously deepening reform and development of the logistics industry in China. By analyzing the development of warehouse management system and the traditional warehouse management system at home and abroad, this paper designed the IOT-based intelligent warehouse management system by utilizing the technologies of IOT, sensor, wireless communication, and modern logistics management. As the center of control, data processing and networking of the intelligent IOT warehouse, the warehouse data processing system acts as the core component of warehouse management, and is also the most challenging part in designing the system. With that in mind, this paper transplanted the embedded Linux system on the FS4412 development platform of Cortex-A9; and by analyzing the functional requirements of warehouse management, the inter-process communication and multi-threading technologies of Linux were utilized to design the overall software structure of data processing system. Specifically speaking, this paper elaborated the design and implementation of functional modules regarding warehouse data receiving, processing, storage and device control, accompanied by the test on system stability and data transmission accuracy. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
Keywords:The Internet of things,Intelligent warehouse,Linux,FS4412

1 前言 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 现状及发展 5
1.3 系统概述 5
1.4 术语定义 6
2 Cortex-A9 FS4412开发板系统移植 8
2.1 环境搭建 8
2.2 嵌入式Web服务器BOA的移植 11
2.3 视频流服务器移植 12
2.4 SQLite向arm-linux的移植 14
3 前端数据中心(A9)总体设计 16
3.1 系统框架、线程间关系 16
3.2 数据库操作线程 18
3.3 处理消息队列请求线程 19
3.4 M0数据分析线程 20 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
3.5 更新共享内存线程 21
3.6 蜂鸣器线程 22
3.7 摄像头模块线程 22
3.8 LED模块线程 23
4 M0模块 25
4.1 M0芯片简介 25
4.2 工作流程 25
4.3 信息的采集功能 27
4.4 信息的封装 29
4.5 信息的发送 30
4.6 具体流程 31
5 HTML网页设计 34
5.1 HTML语言的基本代码结构 34
5.2 HTML网页组成 35
结论 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39