
密 惠 保
As a new micro-channel communication to university teaching has brought new opportunities. To assist teachers in the teaching, improve teaching efficiency, this paper, micro-channel features and functions designed to assist a teaching system. Web-based system to achieve, built on micro-channel public platform, the development of technologies, including Java and related open source framework used nginx server and Tomcat. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
After the design is completed graduation can get the public micro-channel number and the corresponding actual operation of a management background. Long-term stability of the entire system can be run on the server. Enhance teacher-student interaction, the system mainly focus on operations, heavy and difficult, message, question answering and other expansion, when heavy and difficult assignments and publish, push messaging feature utilizes micro-channel public platform can easily be pushed to message each user's attention , answering comments and questions may strengthen student exchange and interaction.
Through this research and exploration to verify the feasibility of micro-channel assisted teaching, and promote exchanges and communication between teachers and students, to broaden the learning content and learning pathways, with good value and practical significance.
Keywords:WeChat public platform,assistance teaching,java

摘要 I
Abstract II [来源:http://www.think58.com]
第一章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容 2
第二章系统分析与设计 3
2.1 系统分析 3
2.2 系统设计 4
2.2.1 概要设计 4
2.2.2 基本设计概念 4
2.2.3 模块概述 5
2.3 详细设计 6
2.3.1 管理员模块 6
2.3.2 作业模块 7
2.3.3 重难点模块 8
2.3.4 留言模块 8
2.3.5 问题答疑模块 9
2.3.6 分组模块 10
2.3.7 用户模块 11
2.3.8 微信消息模块 12
2.4 数据库设计 12
第三章系统实现 19
3.1技术选择 19
3.2目录设计 20
3.3难点解决方案 21
3.4公共类实现 22
3.5 定时模块 23
3.6 业务实现 24
3.6.1 微信模块 24
3.6.2 作业模块 26
3.6.3 重难点模块 27
3.6.4 留言模块 28
3.7 界面原型 28
第四章项目测试与部署 33
4.1 测试 33
4.2 服务器运行环境搭建 34
4.3 项目部署和访问 36
第五章结论 38
5.1 工作总结 38
5.2 工作展望 38
参考文献 39
致谢 40