计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要

Saloon-Recreational Vehicle is a new concept car which has not existed in market. New Recreational Vehicle is used as saloon car in daily life, while it is used as recreational vehicle in period of travelling. Therefore, suspension need to be designed to meet the requirements of travelling comfort and reliability.


According to the requirements and steps of automotive design, coupled with recent advances of the research in the field of automobile suspended frame, This paper determines structure and main parameters of New Recreational Vehicle rear suspension. With the aid of computer aided design software CATIA structural design is accomplished, and strength analysis is accomplished by ANSYS. Beside, motion interference problem is solved by simulation software ADAMS. The concrete research process is divided into the following steps.
1) Analyzing domestic and foreign automobile suspension structure; determining its rear suspension type.
2) Determining rear suspension design scheme and technical parameters.
3) Designing the major parts of the rear suspension; completing the suspension assembly.
4)  Suspension strength and motion simulation analysis.
Results show that the rear suspension structure is reasonable, the strength meets the requirement. The result has important guiding significance for suspension design.


Key Words:New Recreational Vehicle  Double wishbone suspension  Helical spring  Simulation



目  录
第1章 绪 论    1


1.1 论文研究的目的及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 设计的基本内容    2
第2章 国内外汽车后悬架结构型式分析    3
2.1 国内外后悬架基本结构形势分析    3
2.2 轿房车后悬架选型分析    4
2.3 本章小结    5
第3章 轿房车后悬架主要部件特性    6
3.1 后悬架弹性元件特性分析    6
3.2 后悬架减振器特性分析    6
3.3 本章小结    7
第4章 轿房车后悬架主要参数的确定    8
4.1 后悬架静挠度和动挠度    8
4.2 后悬架侧倾角刚度及其在前、后车轴上的分配    10
4.3 本章小结    10
第5章 轿房车后悬架及其部件的设计计算    11
5.1 轿房车双横臂后悬架导向机构设计    11
5.1.1 导向机构设计要求    11
5.1.2 导向机构的布置参数    11
5.1.3 悬架横臂的定位角    12 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
5.1.4 纵向平面内上、下横臂的布置方案确定    12
5.1.5 横向平面内上、下横臂的布置方案确定    13
5.1.6 双横臂悬架上下横臂长度的确定    14
5.1.7 本章小结    14
5.2 双横臂后悬架弹性元件设计    15
5.2.1 后悬架螺旋弹簧的刚度设计    15
5.2.2 弹簧刚度校核    17
5.2.3 本章小结    18
5.3 双横臂后悬架减振器设计    18
5.3.1 相对阻尼系数的确定    18
5.3.2 减振器阻尼系数的确定    19
5.3.3 减振器最大卸荷力F0的确定    20
5.3.4 筒式减振器工作缸直径的确定    21
5.3.5 本章小结    22
第6章 CATIA三维建模    23
6.1 弹性元件    23
6.2 减振器    24
6.3 导向机构    24
第7章 轿房车后悬架仿真分析    26
7.1 后悬架应力应变仿真分析    26


7.2 后悬架运动仿真分析    27
第8章 总结与展望    31
8.1 总结    31
8.2 展望    31
参考文献    32
附  录    34
MATLAB程序代码    34
MATLAB程序运行结果    36
致  谢    38 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]