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 The Realization of Drawing Board Function
Abstract [来源:http://think58.com]
The main content of this paper is described with the course in the design of some key technologies and supporting documents.The goal of this article is to design a simple drawing board based on Qt programming language, make it’s have graffiti, draw up the basic graph, and other functions.This program has a certain practical significance and value.Function according to the requirements of good packaging can easily expanded.This article applies the method of material review, the construction of the first describes the programming environment, this paper introduces the advantages of Qt Qt code conventions and Qt double-buffering mechanism used in the drawing.Qt programming in the software development mechanism is analyzed emphatically, and the design based on the application of artifacts and requirements analysis of the algorithm.Second is feasibility analysis is given in the requirements analysis, and then into the comb function analysis diagram and flowchart to help design thinking.Program is realized by encoding the detailed design phase is complete, the function, get a functioning drawing board application.Designed and implemented in this paper some basic function of drawing board, for example: the new, open, save, empty, enlarge, shrink, reduction, basic graphics rendering, convert the brush color, and other functions.Finally run results conform to the requirements of the design, the scheme is feasible.Program function is good. [资料来源:http://think58.com]

Key words:QT;graphical user interface (GUI);electronic drawing board; double buffering mechanism.

Qt creator下的画图板。在设计时需要考虑用户的需求和画图的习惯。例如习惯上的工具面板应该是竖排放置,而编辑菜单应该放置在横排。在进行具体的软件实际设计之前,应先对使用过程中用户可能需要并在本程序中应当实现的功能等进行整理,并列一个简要的提纲,如下:
(10)图片打开、编辑、保存功能:可以打开一些格式的图片,如png、bmp等,并且可以作为画板背景,在其做编辑并且保存。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]



目   录
1 引言    1
1.1 选题背景    1
1.2 研究的目的和意义    2
1.3 程序设计的环境选择    2
2 画图板设计的技术背景    4
2.1 Qt的主要特征    4
2.2 QT creator简介    5
2.3 Qt creator环境搭建    5
2.4 QT编程机制信号与槽机制简介    7
2.5 Qt编码规范    9
2.6 GDI绘图理论基础    12
2.7 双缓冲机制    13 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
2.8 双缓冲技术绘图    14
3 画图板项目需求分析    16
3.1 可行性研究    16
3.1.1 经济可行性    16
3.1.2 技术可行性    16
3.1.3 运行可行性    16
3.1.4 时间可行性    16
3.1.5 法律可行性    16
3.2 功能分析    17
3.3 系统用例分析    17
3.4  性能需求    19
3.4.1 应用需求分析    19
3.4.2 运行需求分析    19
3.4.3 其他需求分析    20
4 画图板概要设计    21
4.1 画图板功能模块关系与划分    21
4.2 画图板总体设计流程图    22
5 画图板详细设计    25
5.1 画图板界面设计    25
5.1.1 画图板的界面元素声明    25
5.1.2 图板界面布局实现    26
5.2 画图板功能详细设计    28


5.2.1 画图板的文件编辑功能实现    28
5.2.2 画图板的图片编辑功能实现    32
5.3 画图板绘图功能实现    35
5.3.1 绘图板的基本图形绘制功能实现    35
5.3.2 绘图板自由绘图功能实现    42
5.3.3 画图板画图辅助选项实现    45
6 画图板程序测试    49
6.1 测试的重要性及目的    49
6.2 测试的方式    50
6.3 测试用例    50
6.4 测试结果    51
结   论    54
参考文献    56
致  谢    57