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随着计算机技术的高速发展,正在改变着整个世界的经济,也改变着企业的管理.顺应信息技术发展的潮流,作为企业信息化的核心部分,选择先进的,符合国际标准的考勤系统,不仅可以有效提高企业管理,协作与监控员工的出勤效率,更可以为企业进一步信息化建设奠定良好的基础.利用计算机实现企业人事考勤管理势在必行。本系统结合企业实际考勤管理制度,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的Visual C++ 6.0作为开发工具,开发出来的企业考勤管理系统。
整个系统从符合操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用、安全的要求出发,完成日常的员工签到,出勤修改,出勤查询,用户维护,员工维护,以及系统配置等功能.经过实际使用证明,本文所设计的系统可以满足企业进行日常的员工考勤管理方面的需要。 本文来自think58






关键词:数据库  Visual C++6.0 
Attendance management of enterprises and institutions is an important part of the operating and strengthening the management of attendance, performance appraisal system is a serious enterprises and institutions do a good job in the management and protection of the premise of the work. Scientifically managed not only to guarantee the attendance management scheme is implemented, and Will help improve the efficiency of learning. For a long time, a lot of units follow the way of artificial attendance management, each unit are responsible for the registration of attendance officers. Even so accurate scientific management of attendance is therefore no easy task, mainly due to staff involved in attendance , The kinds of classes, leave and many other factors, daily attendance statistics, and other great work. The use of computer management attendance not only make the management of heavy attendance from the management out, and be able to make the attendance management more scientific, standardized, Intelligent. think58好,好think58 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
With the rapid development of computer technology, is transforming the world economy, but also a change in management. Conform to the trend of development of information technology, information technology enterprises as the core of the choice of advanced, in line with international standards of performance appraisal systems, not only Can effectively improve the enterprise management, coordination and monitoring of staff attendance efficiency, but also for the informatization of enterprises to lay a good foundation. Enterprises to use computers and personnel management of attendance is imperative. The system combines the actual attendance enterprise management system, based on realistic needs analysis, using a powerful Visual C + + 6.0 as a development tool, developed the corporate attendance management system.
From the system as a whole in line with the simple, user-friendly, flexible, practical, safety requirements, the completion of day-to-day staff attendance, attendance revised attendance information, user maintenance, maintenance staff, as well as system configuration, and other functions. Through the use of actual proof, this article Systems designed to meet the business day-to-day management of staff attendance. think58 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
The main thesis introduced the subject of this design concept, design, as well as to the significance of the completion of the development and function. Note the focus of the design ideas, technical difficulties and solutions.
 Keywords: Visual C + +6.0 database management system for attendance 内容来自think58 [来源:http://think58.com]

目   录
摘要 1
第1章 序论 1
1.1课题来源 1
1.2 开发背景和开发目的 1
1.3可行性分析 2
1.3.1经济可行性分析 2
1.3.2操作可行性分析 2
1.3.3技术可行性分析 2
1.4本文所做的工作 2
第2章 需求分析 4
2.1 系统目标 4
2.2 应用现状调查 4
2.3系统总体流程图如下: 4
2.4 系统的功能调查图及分析: 5
2.5系统功能模块图 5
第3章 开发工具的选择及简介 7
3.1开发工具的选择 7
3.2开发工具简介 7
3.3 MICROSOFT VISUAL C++6.0系统描述 8
3.1.1 工具栏和菜单 8
3.1.2 项目和项目工作区 8
3.1.3 使用向导和其他的VISUAL C++工具 12
3.1.4  环境窗口 12
3.1.5 使用帮助系统 13
3.1.6 在VISUAL C++中进行查找 13
第4章 概要设计 15
4.1创建VISUAL C++应用程序的步骤 15
4.2工作区文件夹提供文件类型描述: 18
第5章 考勤管理系统的详细设计 19
5.1数据库概要 19


5.1.1数据库的含义 19
5.1.2 数据库管理系统 19
5.1.3 数据库应用系统 20[
5.2 数据库的结构设计 21
5.3身份验证对话框的设计 22
5.4 各主要功能模块的设计与实现 25
5.4.1 员工签到模块的设计 25
5.4.2 查询与修改模块的设计 27
5.4.3 系统维护模块的设计 34
5.4.4系统配置模块的设计 37
第6章 资源和编译可执行文件 40
6.1 资源文件 40
6.2编译生成可执行文件 41
第7章 毕业设计小结 42
参考文献 44
致    谢 45 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

