
密 惠 保
摘 要
The greenhouse is essential for modern agricultural production, and production are now tend to modernization, in the pursuit of high quality and high efficiency of the era, design and demand of intelligent greenhouse is very urgent.
This paper mainly studies the greenhouse intelligent control system based on STM32 MCU, first of all parameters in the greenhouse were collected, processing, analysis, control, feedback, also realizes the manual control and display in the backend interface at the same time, can also carry out alarm for special circumstances, to take measures.
The results show that the design can make every parameter in the greenhouse monitoring and control, will be applied to the automation and modernization of agricultural greenhouses, can be more accurate and more timely find problems and deviation of the data, but also to avoid the errors caused by manual operation and cost.
The characteristics of this paper: in order to realize the greenhouse intelligent control system used in China, on the cost of price increases, cost is reduced and also the circuit and software to improve the reliability of the design.
Key words: STM32; sensor; control system

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2 国内外温室控制技术发展概况 1
1.2.1 国外状况 1
1.2.2 国内状况 2
1.3 选题的目的和意义 2
第2章 温室大棚自动控制系统的控制方案设计 3
2.1 控制方案设计 3
2.2 系统硬件结构 3
2.3 温室大棚的硬件组成 4
2.3.1 单片机控制系统和微机系统 5
2.3.2 STM32单片机 5
2.3.3 传感器 6
2.4 硬件结构及其电路设计 8
2.5 温室大棚的数据采集系统 10
2.4.1 系统设计 10 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
2.6 温室大棚测控系统 11
2.5.1 传感器模块 11
2.5.2 参数收集模块 11
2.5.3 数据分析模块 12
2.5.4 控制执行模块 12
第3章 温室大棚的软件组成 13
3.1 单片机软件设计 13
3.1.1 传感器模块 13
3.1.2 控制模块 14
3.1.3 传输模块 15
3.2 程序模块 15
3.2.1 主程序 15
3.2.2 显示子程序 15
3.2.3 A/D转换测量子程序 15
3.2.4显示数据转换子程序 16
3.3 微机软件设计 16
3.4 系统软件设计 17
3.4.1 软件设计思路 17
3.4.2 控制系统软件结构 17
3.5 误差分析 18
3.6 可靠性设计 18
3.6.1 硬件可靠性设计 19
3.6.2 软件可靠性设计 19 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第4章 总结 20
参考文献 22
致 谢 23 [版权所有:http://think58.com]