
密 惠 保
Design of ultrasonic indoor positioning system based on MSP430
Abstract: in recent years, with the rapid development of ultrasonic technology, the accuracy of range measurement has been greatly improved, and the indoor positioning of ultrasound has been realized. Moreover, when GPS is being measured indoors, it is affected by the received satellite signals, and it can not be measured accurately in many cases. In view of the actual demand, design the ultrasonic indoor positioning system based on MSP430 MCU, this system uses MSP430 as the main control chip, including RF transmitter and receiver module, ultrasonic transmitting and receiving module and LCD display module. The RF module is used to synchronize each transceiver module, and the ultrasonic module is combined with MSP430 to obtain the arrival time, and the position coordinates of the mobile nodes are processed by the algorithm. The ultrasonic indoor positioning technology discussed in this paper can realize the position monitoring of personnel, objects and so on in indoor space. This technology can make up for the localization of satellite positioning in buildings. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: MSP430 SCM; arrival time algorithm; ultrasonic ranging; LCD display; indoor positioning

目 录
1 绪论 3
1.1研究背景 3
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究意义 3
1.4 本文的研究任务 4
1.5本论文结构 4
2 超声波定位系统原理及器件的选用 5
2.1 超声波与超声波传感器 5
2.1.1 超声波简介 5
2.1.2 超声波传感器及其特性 5
2.2 超声波的定位原理 6
2.2.1 超声波测距方法 6
2.2.2 超声波定位原理 6
2.3器件的选用 7
3.系统分析和系统总体设计 10
3.1超声波测厚系统的指标要求 10
3.2系统组成 10
3.2.1系统空间分布 10
3.2.2携带节点系统框图 10
3.2.3固定节点系统框图 10
4系统硬件设计 12
4.1单片机MSP430主控模块 12
4.2超声波接收模块 12
4.3射频发射模块 13
4.4 超声波发射模块 14
4.5 射频接收电路 14
4.6 LCD显示 14
5系统的软件设计 15
5.1系统总体软件流程 15
5.2 携带节点软件流程 17
5.3 固定节点软件流程 18
6 实际测试和结果分析 19
6.1 测试条件 19
6.2 测试数据 19
6.3实验结论 19
6.4误差分析 19 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
6.5温度补偿的讨论 19
7总结 21
参考文献 21
致谢 22