密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:单片机 超声波测距模块 雷达 步进电机 串口
The Design of Ultrasonic Radar System based on STM32
A kind of ultrasonic radar was designed and implemented using STM32 MCU, which had the ability to detect objects surrounding center point. Compared with the traditional microcontroller,the basic frequency and the timer frequency of the STM32 microcontroller reach up to 72MHz,which improve the resolution of the measuring time. The PWM function of ultrasonic timer can be used to drive the launch of the ultrasonic transmitter, and the use of timer function input capture can help receive echo signals. The timer open will start PWM and input capture will beginning to ranging distance, and the superiority is that you can start PWM channel s to drive ultrasonic transmitter and input capture channel at the same time. The US100 sensor is connected with STM32 micro controller, and the system is completed by stepper motor and serial port design. This project considers the effect of temperature on ultrasound. The radar can detect objects between 3 and 4.5 meters, and shows the distance between objects. The radar can scan the surrounding obstacles in full 360 degrees. Use the stepper motor to control the ultrasonic range module to achieve a 1.8 degree acquisition of a data. The data display on the LCD and sent to the host computer via. Synchronize the motor movement with the radar scanning screen.
Taking into account the hardware platform design issues, the project added a reset code. After the radar scan shutdown, the motor control the ultrasonic module back to the initial position.
Key Words : MCU; Ultrasonic distance measurement module; Radar; Stepper motor; Serial port
目 录
摘 要 I
ABSTRACT II [版权所有:http://think58.com]
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 设计背景和意义 1
1.2 超声波测距的发展情况 1
1.3 本文的安排 2
第二章 方案论证 4
2.1 课题分析 4
2.2 方案选取 4
2.2.1 主控板模块 4
2.2.2 测距模块 5
2.2.3 电机模块 6
2.2.4 电机驱动模块 7
2.2.5 电源模块 8
2.3 电路总体框图设计 9
第三章 硬件设计 10
3.1 测距模块 10
3.1.1 超声波测距原理 10
3.1.2 超声波模块 10
3.2 电机模块和电机驱动模块 11
3.3 电源模块 12
3.4 通信模块 13
第四章 软件设计 14
4.1 开发环境的介绍 14
4.2 总体流程图 14
4.3 程序设计 15
4.3.1 初始化 15
4.3.2 电机控制程序 16
4.3.3 超声波传感器数据采集程序 17
4.3.4 串口通信程序 19
4.3.5 复位程序 20
第五章 系统调试 22
5.1 硬件平台的设计 22
5.1.1 器件选择和购买 22
5.1.2 硬件平台搭建 22
5.1.3 电路测试 23
5.2 系统调试 23
5.3系统调试结果 26
5.4 遇到的问题与解决方法 27
5.5 设计改进 28
结 语 29
参考文献 30
附 录1 电机驱动电路原理图 31
附 录2 部分代码 32
致 谢 34
* 工程说明
*3、编译环境:Keil(uVision V4.54)
1.点击Target Options,点击Device选取MCU;
2.点击C\C++,在includes Path中填写所需编译文件的路径;
4.点击Utilities,选择Device size为512K;