计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘要:随着科技的发展,电子产品的生产逐渐进入大规模、自动化、智能化阶段,而对于生产车间而言,安全问题是极为重要的,安全问题的关键便是温湿度与粉尘浓度的监测与控制。本论文首先分析了生产车间环境监测的研究背景及意义,讨论了其国内外现状及发展前景,并在此基础上设计了一款基于51单片机的生产车间环境监测与控制。该设计以51单片机为核心,以DS18B20、DHT22、GP2Y1014AU0F为传感器,通过单片机与传感器单总线通信、串口通信读取数据,并进行数据处理分析,最后经过友好的人机交互界面,实时控制环境参数低于阈值并显示结果。本设计使用Altium Designer软件进行硬件电路设计,使用Keil软件进行软件程序设计,经过器件挑选、焊线、硬件电路调试、软件调试下载,最终实本设计预期功能,并且该系统具有操作简单、测量精度达标、误差小、功能齐全等优点,具有一定的应用价值。

Environmental Monitoring and Control of Semiconductor Production Workshop Based on 51 Single Chip Microcomputer
Abstract:With the development of technology, semiconductor chip production has gradually entered a stage of large-scale, automated, intelligent, and for a semiconductor workshop, safety issues are extremely important, the key to safety issues is the monitoring and control of temperature and dust concentration. This paper first analyzes the research background and significance of environmental monitoring in semiconductor production workshops, discusses its current situation and development prospects at home and abroad, and designs a semiconductor production workshop environment monitoring and control based on 51 single chip microcomputer. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
. The design takes 51 single-chip microcomputer as the core, DS18B20, DHT22, GP2Y1014AU0F as the sensor, reads the data through single-bus communication and serial port communication between the single-chip computer and the sensor, and analyzes the data. Finally, the user-friendly interface is used to control the environmental parameters in real time. Below the threshold and display the result. This design uses Altium Designer software for hardware circuit design, Keil software for software program design, device selection, wire bonding, hardware circuit debugging, software debugging download, and finally achieve all expected functions, and the system has simple operation and measurement accuracy. The advantages of small error, complete functions, etc. have certain application value.
Key words:Environmental monitoring; 51 single-chip; sensor


目 录
1引言    1
1.1选题背景及意义    1
1.2车间环境监测发展现状与前景    1
1.3本文主要研究内容    2
2系统总体方案设计    2
2.1  系统设计目标    2
2.2  系统方案设计    2
2.3微处理器选择    3
2.4显示屏选择    4
2.5键盘选择    5
2.6温度传感器原理    5


2.7湿度传感器原理    5
2.8 PM2.5传感器原理    6
3.硬件电路设计    7
3.1 STC89C52简介    7
3.2 STC89C52最小系统    8
3.3电源电路    8
3.4晶振、下载电路    9
3.5 传感器电路    10
3.6风机驱动电路    11
3.7声音报警电路    11
3.8按键、显示电路    12
3.9系统整体电路设计    13
4.软件程序设计    14
4.1主程序设计    14
4.2传感器程序设计    15
4.2.1温度传感器程序设计    15
4.2.2湿度传感器程序设计    16
4.2.3 PM2.5程序设计    17
4.3蜂鸣器、风机程序设计    18
4.4 按键程序设计    19
5.系统调试与分析    19
5.1 整体实物图    19
5.2 系统正常显示    20 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
5.3 温度超限显示    21
5.4湿度和粉尘超限显示    21
5.5 功能切换显示    22
6.总结与展望    24
参考文献:    25
致谢    26 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]