计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘    要
关键字:AT89C51单片机 温度传感器DS18B20 SJA1000 温度监控



The design AT89C51 microcontroller as the core to study the CAN bus data communication between control system. We also used a single-bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20, the system has a temperature measurement error is small, anti-interference ability, high resolution, dynamic show the way and so on. Chosen as the CAN bus controller SJA1000 PCA82C250 chip design with a CAN bus interface module. PCA82C250 the bus can provide differential transmit and receive functions, improve the system bus drive capability of the node, increasing the communication distance, reduce interference[1].
Sensor circuit of the sensor to the temperature signal in the form of the output voltage to the signal conditioning circuit, after conditioning, the signal input to the A / D sampling circuit, the digital values sent by the ADC chip system, and finally the microcontroller will send the collected data CAN bus controller via CAN bus transceiver pass on the bus, the completion of data collection in order to achieve temperature control. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Temperature monitoring or control applications both in industrial field of medical electronics applications are very wide, the need for all kinds of people for detecting the temperature in the boiler and the control field of medical electronics biochemical analyzer, etc., are related to the internal temperature control, with a particularly broad prospects, in which we study slewing intelligent temperature monitoring.
Keywords: AT89C51 single-chip  temperature sensor DS18B20  SJA1000  temperature monitoring


目 录
摘    要    I
第一章  绪   论    1
1.1    本设计研究的背景和实际意义    1
1.2    研究设计相关内容    3
1.3   课题完成目的    4
第二章 系统设计的基本方案    5
2.1 设计的主要思路    5
2.2  温度监控的总体方案设计    5
第三章 CAN总线温度监控系统的硬件及设计    6
3.1  AT89C51单片机介绍    6
3.2  传感器的选用DS18B20传感器    10
3.3  PCA82C250收发器,控制器SJAL000与6N137光耦合器    12 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.5  单片机的接口电路    17
第四章  软件设计    22
4.1  软件总流程图    22
4.2  系统程序设计    22
结论与展望    24
参考文献    25
致谢    27 [资料来源:THINK58.com]