
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
As we all know, after the input signal through the amplifier should be consistent with the output signal, in addition to the difference in amplitude. But in fact, more or less with the input waveform deviation, this situation is the so-called distortion. Waveform distortion due to electronic components and environmental factors, the output waveform will produce new harmonic components. The original waveform of the spectrum of course, also changed, including phase distortion, frequency distortion and amplitude distortion of the three cases. In view of the characteristics of sine wave signal distortion, this paper will introduce the research on sine wave distortion measurement from both theoretical and experimental aspects. This paper studies the system structure and performance evaluation standard of the sine wave distortion analyzer and the principle of the instrument, and can design the instrument to meet the index, so as to improve the accuracy of the measurement. The optimal acquisition method of the sine wave is studied by using the most effective one The frequency of the sine wave is analyzed by using the FFT algorithm, and the amplitude of the fundamental wave and the harmonic are extracted, which can effectively provide the basis for the calculation of the distortion. This paper studies the most effective FFT transform in the single chip microcomputer which can not be floating point calculation like STM32. The simulation and analysis of different FFT transformations are given, and an optimal FFT transform is proposed. Finally, the combination of hardware and software to achieve low-frequency sine wave distortion measurement, and simulation results are compared and improved. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: FFT transform; sine wave; distortion measurement; test method
第1章绪论 3
1.1 研究背景与目的 3
1.2 国内外研究历史及现状 3
1.3论文结构内容 4
第2章工作原理 6
2.1 低频正弦波失真度分析仪工作原理 6
2.1.1 前端AD采集 6
2.1.2 失真度的测量原理 7
2.1.3 失真度的计算 7
2.2 信号频域分析 8
2.2.1 傅里叶变换 8
2.2.2 离散傅里叶变换(DFT) 9
2.2.3 快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 9
2.3 本章小结 11
第3章测试平台硬件设计与实现 12
3.1 主要部分介绍 12
3.1.1 信号源 12
3.1.2 串口屏 13
3.1.3 主控制器 13 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.1.4 Flash 14
3.2 硬件方案论证与比较 15
3.2.1 电压跟随器电路 15
3.2.2 交流直流叠加电路 15
3.2.3 屏幕显示模块 15
3.3 硬件模块 16
3.3.1 电源模块 16
3.3.2 时钟产生模块 17
3.3.3 直流偏置模块 18
3.3.4 主控模块 18
3.3.5 USB转串口模块 19
3.3.6 JTAG模块 20
3.4 本章小结 21
第4章失真度分析仪的软件实现 22
4.1 失真信号的仿真分析 22
4.1.1 失真信号的GUI设计 22
4.1.2 时域连续信号 23
4.1.3 多种FFT分析比较 25
4.2 分析仪总体软件分析 27
4.2.1 软件总体设计 28
4.2.2 ADC采样的软件实现 29
4.2.3 UART串口通信的软件实现 30
4.2.4 FFT分析处理的软件实现 30
4.3 串口屏的调试过程 31
4.3.1 软件设计平台介绍 31
4.3.2界面设计流程 33
4.4 本章小结 33
第5章测试内容及结果分析 35
5.1 测试工具 35
5.2 验证FFT分析实验 35
5.3 失真度的测量 36
第6章总结与展望 38
6.1 总结 38
6.2 展望 39
参考文献 40
附录A 41
附录A1 41
附录A2 42
致谢 43 [资料来源:THINK58.com]