计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘 要 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

       自行车功能单一,没有任何的电子设备,不像摩托车和汽车。我们可以知道车辆的行驶速度,里程,发动机转速和温度,甚至还可以知道轮子是否打滑或抱死。自行车不能获知一些行车状态的信息,使用起来有时会觉得美中不足。本文从最贴近人们生活出发,旨在解决人们使用自行车时无法获取行车状态的问题,尝试设计一款低成本多功能的里程表,它集里程、测速、平均速度、单次里程、行车时间于一身。在获知自行车行车参数之余,还能用来粗略的测量两地间的里程,计算自行车行驶的平均速度和行进时间。此作品由本人自行设计开发,是基于单片机的系统,采用红外传感器,除了四位八段数码管外,其余的元件均采用贴片元件,单面板布线,塑料条形封装,体积小,大大提高了系统的稳定性。自行车没有发电系统,此作品充分考虑到系统的节能问题,同时考虑到自行车的使用人群涵盖了所有年龄段,所以经济性、易操作性、易安装性也是本作品的一大特点。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]



关键词:里程,测速,单次里程,单片机,红外传感器 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

































ABSTRACT [资料来源:THINK58.com]


The function of bycycle is very simple, and there is no electronic equipment. Unlike motorcycles and cars, we can see that the vehicle speed, mileage, engine speed and temperature, besides they can even know whether the skidding or locked wheels. The bycycle can’t obtain the traffic status information, to use that sometimes fly in the ointment. In this paper, close to people's lives from the start, aimed at the problem that the bycycle can’t obtain the traffic status information, try to design a low-cost multifunction odometer, which sets mileage, speed, average speed, one-time mileage, travel time all in one. A bycycle can be informed of the parameters, in addition it can be used for a rough measurement of the length between the two places and calculating the average speed of bike and travel time. This work from my own design and development, is based on the Single-chip microcomputer system, using infrared sensors, in addition to eight digital tube 4, the remaining components are SMD components, single-panel wiring, plastic strip package , small size, greatly improving the stability of the system. There is no generating system in the bycycle, this work to take full account of the energy siving, meanwhile taking into account the use of bicycles crowd covered all ages, the economy, easy interoperability, and easy to install are a major feature of this work. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]


Key words:Mileage, Speed, One-time mileage, SCM, Infrared sensors



Tags:基于 单片机 自行 自行车 行车 车里 里程 里程表 设计  [资料来源:http://think58.com]
