计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC


摘要本论文首先主要介绍晶闸管-电动机系统的机械特性,以及双环控制的晶闸管调速系统的工作原理。对可逆调速系统进行了简单叙述,而后又对变流装置组成的电枢可逆电路的主要原理进行了概述,详细描述了两组晶闸管可逆电路的环流问题(包括环流的形成及种类),又重点描述了可控环流可逆调速系统。此外,在设计过程中,通过查阅《自动控制理论》和《电力拖动控制系统》而得到了许多相关资料,并阐明了双闭环直流调速系统的工作原理,分析其物理特性,及涉及了相关的反馈控制理论。我们知道可控环流可逆调速系统具有很多优点。采用可控环流可逆调速系统,使我们可以按我们的要求来控制环流的存在与否和环流的大小。最后,我们对这个系统的工作过程进行了详细分析,并对这个系统进行了简单评估,可以让我们全面地理解可控环流调速系统。关键字:双闭环,可控环流,可逆电路,调速系统 Abstract In this paper, firstly we mainly introduce the mechanical character of thyristor-motor system and the work principle of the thyristor DC adjustable speed drive system, which is controlled by double loops. It summarizes the adjustable speed drive system, then describes the main principle of the armature reversible circuit unit. It clearly describes the circumfluence question of the two groups of thyristor reversible circuit (including its formation and varieties).We also describe the system in which circumfluence can be controlled. In addition, in the process of designing we have refer to and ,and get much relative information .We also clarify the work principle of the auto adjustable speed drive system by introducing the double closed loop, analyze the physical character and narrate the feedback control theory. We know the adjustable speed drive system in manipulative circumfluence has many advantages. We desigh it like that, we can control its existence or not and its size according to our request. Finally, the work process of this system also is elaborately analyzed and simplely valued. We can prehensively understand the adjustable speed drive system in controllable circumfluence. Key words: the double closed loop, controllable circumfluence, reversible circuit ,the adjustable speed drive system


