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日间行车灯控制器的硬件PCB设计 单片机毕业设计代做单片机毕业设

  Abstract Daytime BaiTianKai driving lamp just as its name implies is to refer to the lamp, also means that the lamps and lanterns is not floodlight, not to allow the driver can see pavement, but to let others know there is a car coming in, it is to belong to the category, a special lamp, it in automobile engine start automatically open, help to improve visibility, care to other pedestrian road. When the driver manually open ordinary lamp lighting, daytime driving parade then shut automatically. Installation driving lamp will help reduce by accident, by more than driving lamp because for LED lamp, power consumption is only 25 or 30 percent of the ordinary headlamps, can reduce vehicle electricity consumption, this special day traffic lights of the daytime open ordinary lamp, but also can be more energy-efficient to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Based on the characteristics of vehicle lamp fine day, this system based on single chip daytime studied driving lamp controller design, use high-effect, large current DC - DC converter XL4012 to drive LED lamp, meet the demand of LED consumption large current XL4012 continence, because of traffic lights, daytime controller has very good use value.         Key word:  microcontroller, daytime driving lamp, XL401


目录 摘  要... 3 Abstract 4 第一章、绪论... 2 1.1课题研究的背景... 2 1.2 国内外发展动态... 2 1.3 课题研究的意义... 3 第二章、系统的工作原理... 4 第三章、系统主要芯片介绍... 6 3.1 51单片机简介及系统最小系统设计... 6 3.2  XL4012介绍... 16 第四章、日间行车灯原理图PCB设计... 19 4.1 系统原理图设计... 19 4.2 硬件PCB设计规范... 22 4.3 日间行车灯的PCB设计... 28 第五章、总结部分... 31 致   谢... 32 参考文献... 33 附录一、整体电路原理图... 34 附录二、整体PCB图... 35   间行车灯是指使车辆在白天行驶时更容易被识别的灯具,装在车身前部。日间行车灯要满足基本的亮度要求,但也不能太亮,以免干扰他人。其实日间行车灯的最大功效,不是在于美观!而是在于提供车辆的被辨识性,在白天行车开启头灯,可降低12.4%的车辆意外,同时也可降低26.4%的车祸死亡机率。 事实上,这种日间行车灯不是用来让司机能看清路面的,而是在于提供车辆的被辨识性。部分欧盟地区国家经常下雪、下雾,能见度很低。由此一些国家出台规定:白天行车也必须开灯。 有数据显示,六成车祸都是因为视线不清造成的。清晨4时到5时和下午4时到5时,眼睛容易疲劳,这些时段也最可能诱发或酿成事故。雨雪雾天,司机视线更易受限。开车灯可给司机光照补偿,使其发现周边车辆的几率增加。德国交通管理部门的一项调查显示,白天开灯行车,可避免3%的交通事故。一项综合统计数据表明,行车时开启前灯,可降低12.4%的车辆意外。更重要的是,可降低26.4%的车祸死亡几率。 不过早期的这类日间行车灯,多半采用的是卤素灯泡,虽然耗电量不大,但随着科技的进步,现在车厂们所设计的昼行灯多半采用更高亮度的LED配置,能大幅降低达35%的电力,可增加电瓶的寿命,且最常长寿命更达8000hr,几乎等同于车辆的使用年限。只是新车不断在设计、新增DRL日间行车灯的配置,那对于未有配置这类设计的车种,灯泡大厂或者灯具厂是否有提供对应的专属套件可作为升级,这似乎是消费者比较关切的议题。  [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
