计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要



关键词:传感器 热电偶 单片机 ADC0809 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

    This text introduces the development trends of domestic and international research current stiuation of the thermosoope and technology at first,and established the subject of research and its programmes.Secondly that the subject of design and functional requirements of the choice of components,Thant is,first of all on the thermonmeter design fearures and design principles were introduce.Quick identified several significant temperature measuring instument is MCS-51 SCM system and temperature detection devices-based on the thermocouple,including the signal gather and amplifies;A/D converter and display some.then described in detail the principles of design,including utlizing the electric thermocouple to gather the temperature signal and amplify, and then seng into A/D converter.After entering SCM, through the display of the realization temperature of programming of software and various functions.Design the content to include the temperature transducer to design、SCM interface circuit design and software design.This text has recommended the hardware circuit part is designed in detail. Drawing a schematic,and gives the software flow chat. [资料来源:http://think58.com]

Keywords: Transducer  Thermocouple  SCM  ADC0809



目   录
摘要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题的背景及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1 测温器件的种类 2
1.3.2 国内外仪器仪表发展情况 4
1.3.3 温度检测技术的现状和发展 5
1.4 总体方案设计 6
1.4.1 设计要求 6
1.4.2 设计方案 6
1.5 小结 6
2 温度传感器 7
2.1 温度传感器的比较与选择 7
2.1.1 常用温度传感器的种类 7
2.1.2 选择传感器 12
2.2 温度传感器的电路设计 13
2.2.1 热电偶的工作原理 13
2.2.2 热电偶测温放大电路 14
2.2.3 冷端补偿电路 16
2.3 小结 19
3 单片机接口部分 20
3.1 A/D转换部分 20
3.2 单片机电路设计 22
3.2.1 单片机简介 22
3.2.2 单片机接口图 25
3.3 显示电路设计 27
3.3.1 LED显示器介绍 27
3.3.2 LED显示原理 27 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
3.4 电源电路 29
3.5 小结 29
4 绘制原理图 30
4.1 protel简介 30
4.2 Protel 99se操作 30
4.3 问题及解决方法 32
4.3.1电路原理图设计的步骤  32
4.3.2 电路原理图..............  33
4.4 小结 34
5 测温系统的软件设计 35
5.1 软件设计 35
5.1.1软件程序设计功能描述 35
5.1.2 程序中的标志位和存储空间 35
5.2  主程序 36
5.2.1 设计概述 36
5.2.2 主程序流程图 37
5.3 T0中断 39
5.3.1 T0中断程序概述 39
5.3.2 T0中断流程图 39
5.4  TI中断 41
5.4.1 程序概述 41
5.4.2 程序流程图 41
5.5 其它子程序 43
5.5.1 报警程序 43
5.5.2 AD转换程序 43
5.5.3 查询表 43
5.6 小结 43
结束语: 44
致谢:    45
参考文献 46 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

