密 惠 保
关键词:苯巴比妥 合成 废水处理 标准排放
The synthesis and processing of phenobarbital wastewater discharge
Barbiturates for cyclic ureide sedative hypnotic, barbituric acid derivatives, white lustrous crystalline powder; odorless, slightly bitter taste.
Synthetic route is the first condensation reaction that phenyl ethyl malonic acid diethyl ester and urea under sodium methanol and ethyl acetate in condensation reaction of sodium phenobarbital and methanol and ethanol. And then after the neutralization reaction is neutralized with hydrochloric acid to generate phenobarbital and phenobarbital sodium chloride.
For the wastewater generated by the reaction process, the company used to neutralize the waste water in a neutral state, then the combination of distillation and MVR processing method of the light in the wastewater were separated after removal of salt in waste water, evaporation condensation of water into the waste treatment device, by activated sludge process to remove residual organic matter in wastewater, and ultimately achieve national standards for the discharge of tail water and the remaining part of the high concentration of residual liquid the incinerator for incineration.
The standard discharge of wastewater is of great significance to the construction of conservation oriented society and the economic development of our country. [来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords: Phenobarbital;synthesis;wastewater treatment ;discharge standards
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 现实的环境问题 1
1.2 镇静安眠药一苯巴比妥简介 1
1.3 精馏塔简介 2
1.4 MVR蒸发器简介 3
1.5 公司污水排放标准 5
1.6污水标准排放的意义 6
第二章 苯巴比妥合成产生废水概况 7
2.1 苯巴比妥的生产原料 7
2.2合成路线 7
2.3工艺过程 7
第三章 废水的预处理 9
3.1精馏塔 9
3.2 MVR 11
3.2.1工作原理 11
3.2.2开车程序 12
3.2.3系统正常停车 13
第四章 废水的最终处理排放 15
4.1基本介绍 15
4.2基本流程 15
第五章 结论与建议 17
5.1结论 17
5.2 关于污水标准排放的意见与建议 17
参考文献 18
致谢 20 [版权所有:http://think58.com]