计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



Graphite is a kind of good performance, a wide range of nonmetallic mineral materials and raw materials, which is widely used in, chemical industry, metallurgy, new energy vehicles, mechanical equipment, electronic information, nuclear power, aerospace and defense industries. Graphite’s properties and uses are closely related to its quality. The higher purity of graphite,the larger scale of graphite, the properties of graphite are better, the value of graphite is higher, and the graphite can be more widely used. Therefore, it’s necessary to design reasonable and economic graphite concentrating mill. It is based on existing domestic and international graphite experimental studies and practical experience that design a 500,000 tons/year of graphite concentrating mill. Among them,the ore-dressing process include broken process selects, three stageclosedcircuits,two closed-circuit grinding process. a roughing, five regrinding process , six selected, two scavenging process.Then according to the original data, I must calculate the useful mineral taste of the various processes, pulp water content,additional water,Then to select the appropriate device type by the results,draw reasonable and consistent with the actual situation of the process flowdiagram,quantity-quality flow-sheet, Equipmentcontact map, crushing equipment layout of workshop and floating mill workshop equipment layout [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Key Words:graphite design; flow computation; equipment selection; design drawings
表1.1  工作制度如下表:
车间名称    工作制度    设备作业率(%)    全年开车小时数(h)
    性质    日/年    班次       
破碎筛分    间断    300    2×8    70.0    3360
磨矿浮选    连续    300    2×12    85.0    6120
脱水干燥    连续    300    2×12    85.0    6120


摘要    I
Abstract    II
1设计资料    4


1.1原始数据与工作制度    4
1.2试验流程图及选矿工艺    4
1.2.1实验流程图    4
1.2.2选矿工艺选择    4
2破碎车间相关计算    6
2.1破碎流程选择    6
2.2破碎产物大小与排矿口宽度    6
2.3筛分流程    7
2.4产物计算(Q、γ)    7
3磨矿车间相关计算    8
3.1磨矿流程选择    8
3.2产物计算(Q、γ)    8
4选别车间相关计算    10
4.1选别流程    10
4.2产率计算    11
4.3产量计算    11
4.4回收率计算    12
4.5品位计算    13
4.6数质量平衡表    14
5水量相关计算(Rn、Wn Ln)    19
5.1磨矿流程    19
5.1.1液固比    19
5.1.2含水量 Wn    19 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
5.1.3补加水量    20
5.2选别车间    20
5.2.1浓度的确定Cn    20
5.2.2液固比    20
5.2.3水量Wn    21
5.2.4补加水量Lr和Lk    22
5.2.5矿浆体积    22
5.2.6部分作业和产物中液固比Rn    24
5.2.7部分未知浓度Cn    25
5.2.8补加总水量∑L    26
5.3矿浆流程平衡表    26
5.4选矿厂总耗水量    32
6设备计算及选型    33
6.1破碎设备    33
6.1.1粗碎设备    33
6.1.2中碎设备    34
6.1.3细碎设备    35
6.2筛分设备    36
6.3磨矿设备    38
6.3.1计算q值    38
6.3.2生产能力    39
6.3.3台数及效率    39
6.3.4再磨矿机的选择    40
6.4分级设备的计算及选型    40 [来源:http://think58.com]
6.4.1第一段磨矿分级作业    40
6.4.2第二段磨矿分级作业    40
6.5搅拌机    42
6.6浮选设备    42
6.6.1粗选设备    42
6.6.2扫选设备    43
6.6.3精选设备    44
6.6.4浮选设备的性能表    45
6.7脱水设备    45
6.7.1浓缩机    45
6.7.2过滤机    46
7辅助设施的计算选型    47
7.1原矿矿仓    47
7.2粉矿仓    47
7.3胶带运输机    48
7.4给矿机    49
7.4.1原矿仓    49
7.4.2磨矿仓    49
8选矿设备汇总表    51
9图纸设计    55
参考文献    56
附录    57
致谢    65