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摘    要


Adapt to the Construction of the Financial Management Mode of the Modern Enterprise System
With the development of market economy, the modern enterprise system of our country is becoming more and more complete step by step, the setting-up and development of the modern enterprise system have put forward new requirement and challenge for business administration, how make business administration fine adaptation modern enterprise system make troublesome question , administrator of enterprise , one all the time, if does not solve the development that will influence every enterprise of our country directly in time. Solve problem should stress the principal contradiction, core of business administration financial administration, it is the most basic problem to set up the financial management mode of adapting to the modern enterprise system. We must improve the financial management idea in the real work of enterprises, innovation financial management activity, make their adaptation social progress of economy. This text get across financial idea, financial rule, financial management activity analyse and discuss the innovation and management, it proposes several personal ideas , it is adapt to financial management mode of modern enterprise system offer humble effort a bit to structure for enterprise. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: Modern enterprise system, Financial administration, Knowledge economy, Innovation 


目    录   17000字
1  绪论    1
2  转变财务观念,目标重新定位    4
3  建立适合企业发展的“瓶颈管理”模式的财务制度    6
3.1  财务管理是经营战略的重要环节    6
3.2  不同发展时期的财务“瓶颈管理”    6
3.3  财务“瓶颈管理”要不断进步思想    7
3.4  财务“瓶颈”的解决要抓主要矛盾    7
4  顺应时代要求,创新企业财务管理活动    9
4.1  内容和对象的创新    9
4.2  管理模式的改进    9
4.3  管理方法的创新    10
5  权责泾渭分明,监督势在必行    13
结论    15
致谢    16
参考文献    17
附录    18


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