计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
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摘    要



Logistics facilities layout has been attracting academia and industry officials continued to explore and research. The terms of knitting and garment enterprises, logistics facilities in its internal layout of the settlement process, often in a short period of time determined to improve the design and layout of the programme. Knitting and garment enterprises in the improvement of logistics, improve the utilization of space at the same time will also have a related construction, artificial and direct costs such as loss of production. Therefore, knitting and garment enterprises internal layout to improve logistics facilities at the same time, pay a price, how to find a scientific and effective way to quickly resolve the crucial issue of distribution facilities. This paper is how to make use of logistics facilities used the layout of the SLP approach to design and the knitted garment enterprises to improve internal logistics facilities layout. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Knitting and garment enterprises workshop to improve the design and layout of the problem is a optimization problem, in reality the settlement of the issue in all kinds of restrictions and initial state. In this paper, a specific knitting and garment enterprises logistics facilities by the problems in the layout, use of facilities planning and logistics of the SLP in principle, knitting and garment enterprises to carry out the internal layout of the logistics infrastructure improvements. First of all, knitting and garment enterprises from the internal layout of the status quo logistics facilities start to use from the table logistics analysis and then, considering the logistics of operating units and the relationship between the non-logistics, operations determine the relationship between the units; Then, according to Table and related logistics units operating relationship between the table and draw plans related to operating unit location and size of the relevant plans, the resultant improvement programmes; Finally, considering all relevant factors, to get the amendments to improve the programme, compared to the most You improve the programme, which the knitting and garment enterprises logistics facilities are now re-zoned layout and design, so that enterprises within the workshop to smooth the logistics, transport routes as soon as possible to shorten the production cycle and reduce production costs.

Key words:Knitting and garment enterprises, logistics facilities layout, the system layout design (SLP)
目   录    18000字
中文摘要    Ⅰ
1绪论    1
  1.1国内外的研究现状    1
  1.2研究背景    2
  1.3主要研究内容    3
2 物流设施布局规划与SLP方法概述    4
2.1 物流设施布局规划    4
2.1.1 布局设计的范畴    4
    2.1.2 布局的类型    5
2.1.3 布置的一般过程    5
2.2 SLP方法概述    6
    2.2.1 SLP方法的产生及应用    6
2.2.2 SLP方法的步骤    7
2.2.3 SLP方法的特点    8
3某针织制衣企业内部物流设施的布局现状分析    10
3.1 该针织制衣企业内部物流设施布局现状    10 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
3.2存在问题及改进思路    10
3.3 所用SLP方法的相关基础理论    11
3.3.1 作业单位综合相互关系表    11
3.3.2 作业单位位置相关图    12
3.3.3 作业单位面积相关图    13
3.3.4 方案的评价与选择    13
4 运用SLP方法求解    15
4.1 生产现场物流分析    15
  4.2 绘制物流强度等级表    17
4.3 计算作业单位综合相互关系    19
4.4 绘制作业单位位置相关图    21
4.4.1 作业单位综合接近程度的计算    21
4.4.2作业单位位置相关图的绘制    22
4.5 绘制作业单位面积相关图    23
4.6 方案评优    25
5 结论    26
参考文献    27 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]