密 惠 保
密 惠 保
摘 要
In the 21st century, the market competition intensifies day after day, the lifecycle of product is getting shorter and shorter, and people’s demands also develop in the direction of personalizing and diversification. At the same time the step of economic globalization is getting faster and faster. It becomes an urgent problem for each enterprise to face the living environment which is getting more and more serious.
In this situation, enhancing of the competitiveness is the key for enterprises to gaining the market, and the basis to support the competitiveness of enterprises is production processes. Good production processes is the prerequisite to the survival and development of enterprises. Chinese furniture enterprises must keep in tune with the times, improve the production processes, respond to customers’ demands quickly, and then they could develop well and achieve the goal of appreciation. Therefore, it is an urgent subject needed to explore to research how to improve the furniture enterprises’ production processes. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
This thesis analyses how to improve the production processes of the furniture enterprises by reading a lot of literature and doing certain research. First of all, simply introduces the composing of processes and 5 W1H, ECRS and the method of balancing product line. Then research associated with a furniture enterprise in Chongqing, using ECRS, the method of balancing product line, proposing the measure of improvement. Improve the process craft and production processes, make every parts of the production processes harmonize, so as to short the production cycle of their products, improve the influence of the market and provide some information to the existing furniture enterprises and those who are ready to invest and build factories.
Key words:furniture enterprises, production processes,processes improve
目 录 18000字
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
1.1 概述 1
1.2 国内外研究动态 1
1.3 家具企业生产及管理状况分析 2
1.4 课题主要研究内容 3
1.5 课题研究的目的及意义 3
2 家具企业生产流程改善方法研究 5
2.1 家具企业流程改善的特点 5
2.2 生产流程的构成 5
2.3 板式加工工艺流程 5
2.4 工业工程 6
2.4.1 工业工程的基本概念 6
2.4.2工作方法研究 7
2.5 产品的工艺分析及分析方法 7
2.6 5W1H分析方法 8
2.6.1 5W1H分析方法的含义 8
2.6.2 5W1H分析方法的作用 8
2.7 ECRS原则 9
2.8 工序流程分析的自主检查 10
2.8.1 自主检查的方法 10
2.8.2 产品工艺分析检查表的运用 10
2.9 生产线平衡 12 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
2.9.1 生产线平衡的概念 12
2.9.2 生产线平衡法 12
2.10 流程改善的程序 13
3 家具企业产品生产流程改善 14
3.1 家具企业的背景介绍 14
3.2 家具企业的生产流程现状分析 14
3.2.1 生产车间布置图 14
3.2.2 灰工的加工工艺流程 15
3.2.3 封边工序 18
3.2.4 柜体板件生产流程 18
3.3 流程改善 19
3.3.1 其布局图的改善 19
3.3.2 灰工加工流程的改善 20
3.3.3 封边工序改善 21
3.3.4 柜体板生产流程改善 22
3.5 实施的过程 23
4 总结 25
参 考 文 献 26 [来源:http://www.think58.com]