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摘  要



The rule of law has become a basic strategy to govern a country, and the administration according to law is an important part of the rule of law, China's current administration according to law has some problems to be solved, the research on these problems and seek solutions to these problems is a common topic in the academic and practical workers face. This article from the administrative overview, connotation, development, and at the present stage of China's administrative law problems of research and analysis, targeted to come to our country administration according to law to solve the problem of countermeasures: strengthen administrative legislation, strengthening the administrative law enforcement work, cultivate and strengthen the people's concept of the rule of law, improve the supervision mechanism, strengthen the administrative supervision of legislation, law enforcement and so on. Analysis and research from the aspects of theory and practice through the existence of administrative law to the problem in our country, puts forward several countermeasures. [资料来源:http://think58.com]

Key Words:administration according to law, the rule of law, problem, countermeasure

目 录
前言    1
一、依法行政的必要性    1
(一)依法行政的内涵    1
(二)依法行政的内容    1
(三)依法行政的发展    2
二、我国依法行政中存在的问题    2
(一)立法层面上的问题    3
(二)执行层面上的问题    4
(三)思想观念层面上的问题    5
三、依法行政产生问题的原因    6
(一)长期以来中国特有文化积淀的影响    6
(二)计划经济体制的影响    6
(三)行政执法的监督制约机制不够完善    6
(四)行政机关工作人员综合素质不高    6
四、解决依法行政中存在问题的对策    7
(一)加强行政立法工作    7
(二)加强行政执法工作    8
(三)培养和增强全民的法治观念    9 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
(四)完善监督机制,强化行政立法、执法的监督    10
结  论    10
参考文献    11 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]