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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘    要


关键词: 利汽车,营销策略,问题,对策,汽车品牌

Based on the research of independent auto brand marketing strategy - a "lucky", for example
After decades of development, our country independent brand cars from spontaneous imitation to independent innovation phases, its product branding and marketing comprehensive transformation has become a major strategic issue China automobile industry, especially in foreign brands "invasion" of the critical moment, our country independent brand cars need more and more change in marketing strategy, and constantly improve the marketing strategy. Automobile manufacturing enterprise is a pillar industry of national economic development, the automobile industry chain can with industries such as steel, rubber coupling. As one of the advanced manufacturing industry, automobile manufacturing industry with the development of a country's economic development level is proportional to a certain extent. At present, China has become the world's largest car market, the domestic market competition has from pure price, technology upgrade to the marketing strategy. Geely group and early into the automobile industry development is quite good, but compared with international automobile manufacturers, there are certain gap. Therefore, this article selects geely group as the research object, from the independent brand marketing strategy as the breakthrough point, introduces the geely, for example, geely automobile industry facing environment are analyzed, through the analysis of five models to find their own deal with the defects of competition, thus obtained the geely group in the marketing problems, according to these problems put forward the corresponding solution measures, hope to be able to of our country's independent auto brand marketing strategy formulation has a reference value.


KEYWORDS:this car, marketing strategy, problems, countermeasures, car brand

目    录
1 引言    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究现状    1
1.2.1 国外学者的相关研究    1
1.2.2 国内学者的相关研究    2
1.3 研究目的与意义    3
1.4 研究内容与方法    3
1.4.1 研究内容    3
1.4.2 研究方法    4
1.5 研究的创新点    4
2 相关理论综述    5
2.1 自主品牌汽车    5
2.2 营销策略概念    6
3 中国汽车行业环境分析    7
3.1 中国汽车市场的竞争现状    7
3.2 中国汽车市场的消费现状    7
3.3 中国汽车市场的营销策略现状    8
4 吉利汽车在我国市场营销的分析    10
4.1 吉利汽车市场现状分析    10
4.1.1 吉利汽车市场定位    10 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
4.1.2 吉利汽车的销售模式    10
4.2 吉利汽车营销环境分析    11
4.2.1 吉利汽车面临的机会    11
4.2.2 吉利汽车面临的威胁    11
4.3 吉利汽车的五力模型分析    12
4.3.1 供应商议价能力    12
4.3.2 购买者议价能力    12
4.3.3 潜在进入者的威胁    12
4.3.4 替代品的威胁    13
4.3.5 行业竞争分析    13
5 吉利汽车市场营销策略及存在的问题    14
5.1 吉利汽车市场营销策略    14
5.1.1 产品策略    14
5.1.2 价格策略    14
5.1.3 销售渠道    14
5.1.4 促销策略    15
5.2 吉利汽车营销策略存在的问题    15
5.2.1 多品牌战略时机不成熟    15
5.2.2 价格重叠    15
5.2.3 销售渠道不完善    16
5.2.4 降价销售降低品牌价值    16

5.2.5 售后服务水平不高    16
6 吉利汽车市场营销策略调整对策    17
6.1 优化多产品策略,坚持多品牌策略    17
6.2 实行差异化产品定价    17
6.3 打造名牌战略,提升品牌价值    17
6.4 提高售后服务水平    18
6.5 充分利用移动互联网    18
6.5.1 移动营销下社交及数据平台的应用    18
6.5.2 “线上”与“线下”的互动与融合    19
7 结论与展望    20
7.1 研究结论    20
7.2 研究展望    20
参考文献    21
后    记    22 [版权所有:http://think58.com]