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内 容 摘 要

关键词:管理会计   价值链   京东集团

Application Research of ManagementAccounting in Enterprises


——Taking Jingdong Group as an example
In the process of economic market development and operation, management accounting has played an important role in supporting enterprise operation management, and has gradually occupied an irreplaceable important position in corporate financial management. In terms of specific functions, management accounting can integrate related information and assist the company to make decisions. It is an indispensable part of the internal management process of the enterprise; it can also help improve the economic efficiency of the enterprise. It is mainly based on the current and future capital movements of enterprises, and thus to improve the economic and social benefits of enterprises to a certain extent. In recent years, more and more enterprises have begun to apply management accounting to their production and management activities and to realize their value.
However, from the perspective of the actual application of management accounting, management accounting still has certain defects, which restrict the healthy and sustainable development of management accounting itself and the overall financial operation management of the enterprise. On the basis of a brief description of the positive role of management accounting, this paper analyzes in detail the problems existing in the application of management accounting, and proposes some solutions to its problems. Taking Jingdong Group as an example, this paper conducts an in-depth study on Jingdong's management accounting reports based on different links, summarizes its successful experience in application management accounting, and provides certain help and support for the management accounting application of other similar enterprises in China.


Key Words: management accounting, value chain, Jingdong Group

目    录
一、绪论    4
(一)研究背景及意义    4
(二)国内外研究发展现状综述    4
二、管理会计的概述    5
(一)管理会计的定义    5
(二)管理会计的职能    6
三、管理会计对加强企业管理的积极作用    6
(一)管理会计有利于降低企业成本    6
(二)管理会计能够为企业获取高效的信息    7
(三)管理会计有助于企业文化的形成    7
四、管理会计在企业应用中存在的问题    7
(一)理论与实践不能较好结合    7
(二)缺乏完备的管理会计制度    7
(三)管理会计工具有效应用缺乏具体操作规范    8
(四)管理人员对企业的经营预测不到位    8
五、加强管理会计在我国企业中运用的对策    8
(一)理论联系实际,做到灵活运用    8 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
(二)建立完备的管理会计制度    9
(三)建立行业管理会计案例库,编制工具应用规范    9
(四)注重战略管理会计的应用    9
六、案例分析    10
(一)京东的基本情况    10
(二)管理会计在京东集团的应用    10
结论    15
参考文献    16
致谢    17
