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摘   要

In recent years, China's development, as Small and micro businesses an important part in the development of China's economy, has made great contribution to our country, our country tax revenue growth plays an important role is Small and micro businesses at the same time, the development of Small and micro businesses can solve the difficult employment of our country to the problem, can not find a job provides a lot of jobs. But Small and micro businesses also exist many deficiencies, such as Small and micro businesses not perfect risk control system in the aspect of finance, the financial crisis has passed, the market environment has become very complex, under such circumstances, Small and micro businesses if you want to stay in business to improve the enterprise's financial risk control ability, but the ability of Small and micro businesses is limited, so that many small businesses out of business. Therefore, the research on the financial risk control of small and micro enterprises is of great significance to the benign operation of small and micro enterprises.           [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
This paper is based on the dynamic at home and abroad to study the financial risk control theory, and small and micro enterprises to face the problem of the Small and micro businesses now appear such financial risk and the cause of the problem analysis, which summed up Small and micro businesses financial risk is caused by what reason. According to the analysis, influencing factors Small and micro businesses financial direction include the natural environment, industry environment, policies and regulations, enterprise operation ability, the level of debt, the risk and return of investment knowledge, enterprise asset liquidity, growth ability, profitability etc..          
Key words: small and micro enterprises; financial risk

目  录
摘   要    II
Abstract    IV
一、绪论    7
(一)研究背景    7
(二)研究目的及意义    7


1、研究目的    7
2、研究意义    8
(三)国内外研究现状    8
1、国外研究现状    8
2、国内研究现状    9
(四)研究的主要内容    10
二、小微企业财务风险基本理论    11
(一)小微企业的概念    11
(二)小微企业的特点    12
(三)小微企业财务风险的类型    12
三、小微企业财务风险案例分析(A企业为例)    14
(一)A企业基本情况    14
(二)A企业财务风险    14
1.融资能力弱    14
2.投资失误率大    14
3.应收账款难收回    15
4.存货管理混乱    15
5.企业缺少风险预警意识    15
(三)A企业财务风险的成因分析    16
1.投资决策和管理水平相对滞后    16
2.企业财务人员素质不高    16
3.企业对财务工作不重视    17


4.企业存货管理制度不健全    17
5.会计核算不规范    18
四、A企业财务风险控制的应对措施    19
(一)积极建立企业信用体系增加融资能力    19
(二)运用多种杠杆增加投资成功率    19
1.运用财务杠杆适当增加公司负债    19
2.运用营运杠杆提高公司投资收益    20
3.加强公司营运资金管理能力    20
(三)明确企业应收账款的管理目标    20
(四)完善存货管理制度    21
(五)健全风险预警机制    21
结论    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24