计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



在众多的电商模式中,C2C(Customer to Customer)模式作为率先打开市场的线上购物模式,在今天仍然在电商平台模式中占据着稳定的客户群体及交易体量,因此对于C2C模式下的网店绩效相关研究也不断展开。在以往的研究中,大多将研究视角放在因果关系与中介作用中,对于调节作用的研究相对较少,因此,本文结合实际C2C购物经验与体会,并从以往的研究中顾客建言行为这一新的消费者行为理论角度出发,研究其对于网店绩效的影响作用并且探究在网店处于不同的物流服务质量与声誉条件下二者对于这种关系的调节作用,以期发现在不同的网店属性下顾客建言行为对于网点绩效影响作用的强弱,通过实证研究为网店经营者的运营重点及策略提供理论上的支持。通过数据分析,本文得出了以下结论:第一,顾客建言行为对于网点绩效有着显著的正向影响作用;第二,物流服务质量能够正向调节这种正向关系,即在网店提供高物流服务质量(低物流价格)的情况下,这种正向影响关系会加强;第三,声誉能够负向调节这种正向关系,即在网店自身处于高声誉(高信用水平与低售后服务率)水平下,这种正向影响关系会降低。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the development of Internet technology has gradually changed and shaped a completely new way of life. With the rapid development of e-commerce market around 2010, Internet shopping has become a craze for Chinese consumption in the past decade and has gradually infiltrated all sectors of society and played an important role in promoting social employment and stimulating economic growth. Therefore, how to improve the performance of e-commerce platform store has a self-evident effect on promoting employment, improving the online trading mode and online store managementin this context.
Among numerous e-commerce models, C2C (Customer to Customer) as the firstonline shopping model to open the market, still occupies a stable customer base and transaction volume in e-commerce platform mode today, sothe C2C mode performance-related research is also constantly expanding. In the past researches, most researches focus on causality and mediation, and there are few researches on regulation. Therefore, based on the actual C2C shopping experience, and derive the previous research on customer counseling behavior (a new consumer behavior theory point), try to study its impact on the performance of online shop and explore the regulation of the relationship between the conditions of different logistics service quality and reputation in the online shop in order tofind the different online shop customer advice behavior attribute for the strength of network performance impact, finally, provides theoretical support for the operation focus and strategy of online shop operatorsthrough empirical research.Through data analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions: First, the customer advice behavior has a significant positive impact on the network performance; Second, the quality of logistics service can positively regulate the positive impact, in other words, this positive relationship will be strengthened if online shop offershigh logistics service quality (low logistics price); thirdly, reputation can negatively regulate this positive relationship, in other words, this positive impact will be reduced when the online shop in a high reputation (high credit level and low after-sales rate) level.


摘要    4
第一章 绪论    4
1.1选题背景    4
1.1.1选题的现实背景    4
1.1.2选题的理论背景    5
1.2研究问题与研究意义    5
1.2.1研究问题    5
1.2.2理论意义    5
1.2.3现实意义    5
1.3论文结构    6
第二章 理论基础与文献综述    6
2.1顾客建言行为理论综述    6
2.1.1建言行为的概念研究及维度测量    7
2.1.2建言行为的变量相关研究    7
2.1.3顾客角色外行为与顾客公民行为    7
2.1.4顾客建言行为相关研究    9
2.2网店绩效理论综述    9
2.2.1绩效的概念研究    10
2.2.2企业绩效的维度衡量    12
2.2.3企业绩效的相关研究    12
2.2.4电子商务领域中小企业及网店绩效的相关研究    12 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
2.3物流服务质量理论综述    13
2.3.1服务质量的相关研究    13
2.3.2物流服务质量的相关研究    14
2.4声誉的理论综述    14
2.4.1声誉的相关研究    14
        2.4.2 C2C模式中网店信用体系的相关研究    15
第三章 研究假设与概念模型的构建    17
3.1研究假设的提出    18
3.1.1顾客建言行为对网店绩效之间的研究假设    7
3.1.2物流服务质量对顾客建言行为与网店绩效关系的调节作用    7
3.1.3声誉对顾客建言行为与网店绩效关系的调节假设    7
3.2概念模型的构建    6
3.3变量的测量    6
第四章 数据分析与假设检验    7
4.1数据来源与样本特征    7
4.2数据收集    7
    4.3数据分析    9
4.3.1描述性统计分析    10


4.3.2相关性分析    12
4.4回归分析与假设检验    12
4.4.1基本关系模型的检验     6
4.4.2调节效应的检验    6
4.5本章小结    7
4.5.1假设检验结果及讨论    7
4.5.2顾客建言行为与网店绩效的关系分析    7
4.5.3物流价格对顾客建言行为与网店绩效的调节作用分析    9
4.5.4声誉对顾客建言行为与网店绩效的调节作用分析    9
第五章 结论与展望    10
5.1研究结论    12
5.2研究的创新与不足    12
5.3研究展望    12
参考文献    13
在读期间科研成果    13
致谢    13 [资料来源:http://think58.com]