计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘     要: 科技和网络建设的进步,使得电子商务在近些年来得到很大的发展。人们越来越多选择网购的方式来获取想要的商品。在这一方面,淘宝网是我国最有影响力、规模最大的电子商务平台。在淘宝网,人们足不出户,就能获取大量的商品信息,可以进行价格比对,做出最满意的选择。同时,在购买商品时,人们会习惯性地阅读商品下方的评价信息。这里面包含了以前的消费者读商品的质量、使用情况,商家服务状况等信息。因此,消费者的在线评论文本,对于买家了解商品,做出购买决策,具有很高的价值。而且商家本身,也可以从评论文本中,获取消费者对产品和服务质量的想法,以此对自身进行改进。



A Research On The Application Of Text Sentiment Analysis In Taobao Comment Text
Abstract: The progress in science and technology promotes the rapid development of electronic commerce in recent years. More and more people choose online shopping. In this field, Taobao, with the largest scale, is the most influential online platform. Taobao can provide a large amount of commodity information for consumers to make comparison and make a right decision. When they are shopping online, they will habitually read the comments about the product or service, which reflects the feeling of consumers about the quality and service. As a result, the online comment text is valuable for consumers to analyze the product and decide to purchase or not. Besides, the seller can also get valuable information to improve its service and products.
However, when there are too many comments about the product, it’s almost impossible for  consumers read all the comments, as they don’t want to spend too much time and energy on this work. And currently, the three emotion classification is based on manual selection. The result might not reflect the real feeling of consumers. And some consumers don’t make comments. So the comments are very disordered. It’s very necessary to classify the comment text. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
This paper discussed the sentiment analysis and classification of comment text, and  combined the result with the emoticons dictionary to build a corpus. After processing the comment text, we can make comparison to the corpus to analyze the emotions in the text. Based on the result, we can make classification and display the valuable information to consumers, to help making decision.
Keywords: Taobao;  Comment Text;  Sentiment Analysis

目  录
第1章 绪论    5
1.1 研究背景与意义    5
1.2 国内外研究现状    6
第2章 相关概念与理论    7
2.1 淘宝评论文本相关理论    7
2.1.1 淘宝网相关概念    7
2.1.2 在线评价相关概念和理论    7
2.2 文本情感分析相关理论    9
2.3 语义情感分类相关理论    9
2.3.1 语义情感分类相关概念    9
2.3.2 语义情感分类的应用理论    9 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
第3章 淘宝评论文本现状及常见文本预处理方法    10
3.1 淘宝评论文本现状    10
3.2 淘宝评论文本分析    10
3.3 淘宝评论文本研究常见提取和预处理方法    12
3.3.1 淘宝评论文本提取方法    12
3.3.2 淘宝评论文本预处理方法    13
第4章 淘宝评论文本情感语义分类    14
4.1 淘宝评论文本情感分类标准    14
4.2 淘宝文本的特殊性对分类的影响    14
4.3 淘宝评价文本情感信息处理    15
4.4 小结    16
第5章 文本情感分析在淘宝评价中的应用实证分析    17
5.1 对情感词汇进行分类过程中的关键词汇    17
5.2 实验结果及分析    17
5.2.1 文本的采集    17
5.2.2 淘宝实验文本和预处理与语义分类    17
5.2.3 实验文本情感倾向测试    18
5.3 小结    18
第6章 结论与展望    19 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
6.1 结论    19
6.2 研究展望    19
参考文献    21
致  谢    24 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]