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摘    要

关键词:旅游纪念品    开发   包装


Tourism is an important component of China's tourism industry. Along with our country tourism vigorous development. Tourism souvenir market showing a trend of diversification of the rich but compared with the international market of our country tourism souvenirs are there a lot of problems in the creative, development, production, sales and so on. Such as tourist souvenirs of our single variety, poor quality, creative products are not many, some problems of order sales market. China tourism souvenirs development is slow, the market competition is poor. Far from market tourism products abroad. So analysis of the reasons for the formation of the development and the status of China's tourism souvenirs. Finally, on the development of our souvenirs and packaging strategy. To strengthen our country tourism souvenirs in the China's tourism market competitiveness. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Key words: development of tourist souvenirs packaging 

目    录

引    言    1
一、我国旅游纪念品的特点    2
(一)地域性    2
(二)灵活性    2
(三)务实性    2
二、我国旅游纪念品发展现状及形成原因    2
(一)我国旅游纪念品--现状    2
(二)我国旅游纪念品--现状形成原因    2
三、我国旅游纪念品的开发策略    3
(一)有地方特色的纪念品    3
(二)加强景区的品牌意识    4
(三)重视纪念品的开发和质量    4
(四)重视行业的管理    4
四、我国旅游纪念品的包装策略    5
(一)低碳、自然环保为主    5
(二)强调以精美为主    6
(三)强调纪念品有特色并与外形统一    6
结    论    7 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
参考文献    8 [版权所有:http://think58.com]