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Chinese painting rhyme - words Fun
Abstract: The ink was painted the most important characteristics of Chinese art. Modern ink seems to have become synonymous with the entire Chinese painting, occupies a pivotal position in Chinese painting. For thousands of years, with the development of Chinese ink painting and development, it has become a highly sophisticated form of language and fullness. Ink is a modeling language, but it is not blindly mock object, a slave objective object. It should have its own independent aesthetic value. Chinese Paintings development and rich, deeply reflect its vitality and artistic charm. Ink is the ultimate rhythm, poetry is a reflection of the Carrier of the soul. In this paper, pen and ink painting from the change of fortune, the use of Chinese ink painting techniques, Chinese Paintings of water changes with the times when Chinese Painting and Chinese Painting carrier, five aspects to elaborate. The era of rapid development, life is changing, constantly enrich and develop the aesthetic era, we sort out and explore interesting words, in order to make Chinese Painting Art sustainable development, in order to better innovation, construction of Chinese Painting in the Context of a new era, create more flavor realm of art. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Keywords: pen and ink; innovation; change; rhyme; mood

目 录
一、绪论    3
二、笔墨于中国画    3
(一)中国画由来    3
   (二)中国画的意境    3
    1. 中国的意境美在于真实    3
2. 中国的意境美在于“不似之似”    3
3. 中国画的意境在于“画中有诗”    4
4. 中国画的意境美在于气韵    4
5. 中国画的意境美在于骨法用笔。    4
三、笔墨在中国画中的地位    4
(一)笔墨与画面意境    4
(二)笔墨与画家心灵    5
(三)笔墨与中国画发展    5
四、笔的运势变化    5
(一)速度(快与慢)    5
(二)力度(轻与重)    5
(三)中锋、侧锋、藏锋、露峰、逆锋、顺峰    5
(四)节奏感    6


五、墨的运用手法    6
(一)水与墨    6
1. 浓墨法与淡墨法    6
2. 破墨法与泼墨法    6
3. 积墨、焦墨与宿墨    6
(二)彩墨    7
六、笔墨的肌理变化    7
(一)泼墨    7
(二)拓印    7
(三)其他媒体    7
七、笔墨的承载体    8
(一)纸    8
(二)布    8
(三)陶瓷    8
八、笔墨当随时代    8
(一)经典笔墨    8
(二)民间笔墨    8
(三)个性笔墨    9
(四)笔墨反映生活    9
九、总结    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]