密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:演艺明星 负面新闻 应对策略
In most of the star news, the negative news more and more into the public view. Along with the increasing of star of negative news, people start thinking about star bright hidden behind what reason, why more and more stars and "negative" become entangled in? The stars emerge in an endless stream of negative news, has its profound social background, the worship of symbolic significance of star is one of the causes of the audience and the media star, in which also plays an important role. These stars, of course, the negative news is not only in the sense of \"negative\", which also not lack some stars in order to improve the awareness, these so-called negative news also contains certain fraud, and the media followed reports, this is also a cause of the negative news star flood This paper will be in the context of consumer society, the reasons for the existence of star negative news from three angles, the audience and the media star, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasure, in order to improve the current star to negative news spread.
Key words: Actress; negative news; coping strategies
目 录
引 言 1
一、演艺明星负面新闻的成因 1
(一)媒体利用明星片面追求经济效益 1
(二)受众的多种心理需求 1
(三)“丑闻经济学”的盛行 2
二、演艺明星负面新闻的影响 2
(一)侵烛社会风气 2
(二)误导青年群体 3
(三)促使明星谨言慎行 3
三、演艺明星负面新闻的应对策略 3
(一)提高媒体素养 4
(二)提升公众素养 4
(三)明星自我管理 5
结 论 6
参考文献 7 [资料来源:http://think58.com]