
密 惠 保
摘 要:沉默经常出现在日常生活中,电影语境也不例外。会话间的沉默包括轮内沉默,话轮间的沉默和话轮沉默,显示了许多意向,具有多种功能语用学特征,文化内涵丰富多彩。本论文从语用学领域入手,运用礼貌理论和面子理论,对电影《肖申克的救赎》中的沉默进行研究,探讨会话中的沉默表现出的多种交际功能。为了更好的理解沉默的含义和意义,本文将就沉默的交际功能以及语用学含义进行评介,分析沉默是如何在会话中代表含义发挥功能的,进一步体会沉默的意义在于它不断地聚集力量以溢出沉默的范畴,认识到无声沉默和有声言辞相互依存、相辅相成,共同实现人类的交际,以期正确指导英语对话学习中对沉默理论的把握,从而达到学习研究之目的。
Pragmatic Analysis of Silence in the Film the Shawshank Redemption
Abstract: Silence often appears in daily life, and the film context is no exception. Conversational silence includes within-turn silence, inter-turn silence and turn silence. Conversational silence shows a variety of communicative functions and has many different voices.The cultural connotations of it is extremely rich.This thesis,starting from politeness theories and face theory,the perspective of pragmatics, studies how the silence can function efficiently in conversation by enumerating examples of the movie the Shawshank Redemption .To better comprehend the significance of silence ,we should better understand silence constantly gathers strength to overflow areas of it and recognize the verbal language and nonverbal language are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, with the purpose of guiding pepole to grasp the true significance of silence theory in English conversation learning .
Key words: Turn-silence;The Shawshank Redemption; Pragmatic analysis; Nonverbal language
Writing this paper is a really time-assuming ,effort-taking and joy-giving task.I want to acknowledge the invaluable help of my tutor Guo Bin who has been my consultant in my paper writing. I want to thank her for her patient instruction, illuminating discussion, insightful criticism, and especially her painstaking revision on the first draft of this thesis. Without Ms Guo’s help, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible.
I also wish to state my indebtedness to many dear teachers that come into my life during the four years of study on my bachelor degree. Thanks are extended to all my classmates and friends, who always give me warm-hearted help whenever needed,I want to state my deep gratitude to my parents. They have always been supporting my education in spite of various kinds of difficulties. I am deeply grateful for their profound love and never-failing support. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Naturally, I alone am responsible for any errors, omissions, and other flaws of the research.