计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




Research onUAV path planning in information collecting networks
Abstract:As a branch of robots, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has a good prospect when the application of robotics is more and more extensive. Gathering the data collected by the sensor network is an important branch in the many applications of UAVs. In the process of collecting information, UAVs can cooperate with sensors in order to implement the real-time monitoring. It has extensive applications in many areas such as disaster prevention and reduction, search and rescue, traffic supervision, resource exploration, border defense patrols, forest fire prevention, meteorological observation, crop estimation and so on. The content of this research is the UAV path planning in information collecting networks. On the basis of establishing a suitable network model, the flight path of UAV can be designed and optimized, so that the UAV can collect the real-time information on the sensor clusters. The research uses the pruning algorithm and genetic algorithm to optimize the flight path of UAV effectively. The final path can make the information collected by the sensor be gathered on the UAV with the minimum delay. The completion of this research can improve the collection efficiency in information collecting networks, which is very significant to the information collection of the UAV. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Keywords: UAV; minimum delay;pruning algorithm; genetic algorithm



1 绪论    1
1.1 无人机简介    1
1.2 课题意义    1
1.3 国内外主要研究现状    2
1.3.1 我国无人机发展现状    2
1.3.2 国外无人机的发展    2
1.3.3 目前主要研究成果及本设计创新点    3
1.4 研究内容    3
1.4.1 模型介绍    3
1.4.2 模型分析    3
1.4.3 主要工作介绍    4
2 基于简单路径的延时分析    4
2.1 简单路径介绍    5


2.2 简单路径下延时结果及分析    7
3 基于剪枝算法的路径优化    8
3.1 目标区域的优化    8
3.2 剪枝算法介绍    9
3.3 剪枝算法在路径优化中的作用    9
3.4 剪枝算法在设计中的应用    10
3.5 剪枝算法延时结果及分析    11
3.5.1 剪枝算法飞行路径及延时结果    11
3.5.2 剪枝算法结果与简单路径结果的比较    18
3.5.3 剪枝算法结果总结    18
4 基于遗传算法的路径优化    19
4.1 遗传算法介绍    19
4.2 遗传算法在路径优化中的应用    20
4.3 遗传算法在设计中的应用    20
4.4 遗传算法优化运行结果及分析    22
4.4.1 遗传算法飞行路径及延时结果    22
4.4.2 遗传算法结果与简单路径结果的比较    28
4.4.3 遗传算法结果与剪枝算法结果的比较    28
5总结与展望    30


参考文献    31
致谢    32
附录    33
