计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




The Design of Vehicle License Plate Recognition System
Abstract:The vehicle license plate recognition system is a kind of technology whichiswidely applied in intelligent transportation in recent years. This kind of system takesdigital image processing, pattern recognition and so on as its theoretical basis.Becauselicense plate is the sole identification of vehicle, the vehicle license plate recognition systemcan effectively help people achieve the goal of the intelligent management of the vehicle.Vehiclelicense plate recognition system can take a picture of moving vehicleincluding its license plate immediately,and then carry out effective license plate acquisition and recognition which meet the needs of intelligent transportation. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
This paper, based on the researches and analyses of existing techniques of vehiclelicense plate recognition system, presents the design ofa set of vehiclelicense plate recognition system based on MATLAB. This kind of system implements such a function which can do image preprocessing which is a combination of gray processing, edge detection, erosion and dilationto a pictureimported into the computer which including license plates.It also has the functions of vehicle license plate location, character segmentation.In the end it matches the separate characters withthosestandard character templateswhich are stored in the database in advance.
Key words:license plate recognition; MATLAB; image preprocessing;Character segmentation; character recognition



1  前言    1
1.1    选题的目的和意义    1
1.2    国内外研究现状与发展空间    1
1.3    研究内容    2
2  车牌识别系统设计原理概述    3
3  车牌识别系统程序设计    4
3.1  图像预处理    4
3.1.1  图像灰度化    4
3.1.2  图像边缘检测    6
3.2  车牌定位    8
3.2.1  图像腐蚀与膨胀    8 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
3.2.2  移除小面积对象    9
3.2.3  车牌区域切割    10
3.3  角度调整    11
3.4  字符分割    13
3.4.1  图像二值化    13
3.4.2  字符分割    13
3.5  字符识别    15
3.5.1  字符归一化    15
3.5.2  字符模版匹配识别    15
4    仿真结果与分析    16
5    总结与体悟    17
参考文献:    18
致谢    19
附录:    20
