计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
In the field of electronic information technology, the phase is a fundamental parameter, how to accurately measure the phase has become increasingly important. However, due to the phase difference do not exist alone, it is dependent on current, voltage signal, so you need to find a way to exclude current, voltage signal interference ; and the phase difference is a more amount required to keep measurements consistent with other quantities. These are more difficult to measure the phase difference, but with the rapid development of information technology and computer technology, digital signal processing technology has become the main method of modern measurement, detection technology.
    This issue is by means of a field programmable gate array device (FPGA) technology, devised a three-phase phase relay. The focus of the design is that the two-way signal with the frequency of the phase difference detection. After comparison of the data collection and programs, the final design used in this paper consists of three main elements, namely a signal shaping unit, FPGA signal acquisition and data processing unit, the relay unit. Each unit has been designed for simulation and debugging, high final design phase difference detection module precision, strong anti-interference ability, and the entire relay is also responsive and reliable. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Key Words:phase difference measurement; FPGA; relay

目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景和意义    1
1.2 相位测量技术的历史和发展现状    2
1.3 论文的工作内容和结构安排    3
第2章 设计方案论证    4
2.1 相位测量的常用技术指标    4
2.2 相位差测量原理和方案比较    4
    2.2.1 双踪示波法    5
    2.2.2 补偿法    5
2.2.3 数字化测量法    6
  2.3 本章小结    7
第3章 系统设计    8
  3.1 整形电路设计    8
3.1.1 限幅电路    8
3.1.2 过零比较电路    8
  3.2 FPGA设计    10
3.2.1 FPGA芯片选型    10
3.2.2 FPGA 逻辑设计    11
  3.3 本章小结    16


第4章 系统仿真与调试    17
  4.1 仿真结果分析    17
  4.2 误差分析    18
    4.2.1 过零比较器引起的相移    18
4.2.2 计数器计数误差    18
4.2.3 工频干扰    18
  4.3 本章小结    19
第5章 总结    20
参考文献    21
致谢    22
附录A    23
