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Design of fingerprint access control system based on STM32
Abstract:People are increasingly concerned about the security issues, as well as personal information crisis awareness, absolute safe and reliable access control system, has gradually been favored by people. Fingerprint recognition based on the access control system, because of its high reliability, stability, high safety factor, and the fingerprint as a unique human body, unique biological characteristics, has been a very good market response. This paper mainly studies the application of fingerprint recognition in the field of security access control. In order to increase its practicability, this design also incorporates two infrared sensor modules. At the same time, a DC motor is installed to simulate the opening and closing of the access control system The Integrated microprocessor performance, the design based on STM32 for processing control, while the use of optical fingerprint sensor for fingerprint collection. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Key words: biometrics; fingerprint recognition; embedded system; STM32; optical fingerprint sensor



目 录
摘要    4
Abstract    5
1.绪论    6
1.1选题的目的和意义    6
1.2 指纹识别技术国内外研究现状    6
1.3本设计的主要章节内容介绍    7
2.系统方案    7
2.1 系统方案设计    7
2.2 微型控制器的选择    8
2.2.1 STM32F103性能特点介绍    8
2.2.2 ARM核心体系结构发展史    8
2.3指纹采集识别模块的选择    9
2.3.1指纹采集方式    9
2.3.2指纹识别技术的分类及选择    9
3.系统硬件电路设计    10
3.1系统硬件设计模块组成    10
3.2  STM32最小系统相关模块介绍    11


3.2.1电源电路供电模块    11
3.2.2 按键复位模块    11
3.2.3  USB调试接口模块    12
3.3指纹采集模块设计    13
3.3.1 ATK-AS608指纹识别模块的技术指标    13
3.3.2指纹识别模块的特点    13
3.4红外线传感器模块    14
3.5直流电机模块    15
3.5.1电机驱动模块性能特点及参数    15
3.5.2直流电机转速计算    16
3.5.3 H桥式电路的结构及其原理    16
4.系统的软件设计    18
4.1 系统软件组成    18
4.1.1 Keil软件介绍    18
4.1.2 串口调试助手    19
4.2系统软件流程    19
4.3 系统模块驱动程序    20
4.3.1 指纹采集模块    20
4.3.2 直流电机模块    23
4.3.3 红外模块    24
5.系统的调试与焊接    25 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
5.1指纹模块串口通信调测    25
5.2红外模块调测    27
5.3直流电机调试    28
5.4 硬件的搭建    29
6总结    30
参考文献    31
致谢    32