计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



关键字:STM32  PT100  BMP80  SHT10    上位机

Scientific environment recorder based on STM32 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Abstract:In the laboratory, environmental factors and experimental operations are very closely linked, accurate meteorological data measurement, for the operation of the laboratory and the preservation of chemical substances is of great significance. In recent years, most of the meteorological data acquisition systems used in the laboratory are simply "transplanted", so that the collected data is not representative and can not visually see the data changes in the time period, and the traditional system integration is low , Power consumption, error, data is not enough objective, can not save a series of problems. In view of the problem of traditional acquisition system, this paper designs a meteorological element recorder specially designed for scientific environment.
This article uses an integrated meteorological data acquisition system to optimize. By using the main processor STM32, the temperature sensor PT100, the humidity sensor BMP180, the barometric pressure sensor SHT10, the analog-to-digital conversion module as the hardware system, the sensors are integrated and the collected types are abundant. And then through the serial communication to achieve data transmission, pc machine as the host computer for data processing and storage, the host computer software system to .NET for the framework of the C # for the development of language, and the use of database connection technology to complete the entire system software development.


Key words:  STM32  PT100  BMP80  SHT10  Upper Monitor


目 录
摘要    I
Abstract.    II
1 绪论    1
1.1  论文研究背景以及意义    1
1.2  国内外发展现状    1
1.4 采集系统的组成    2
2 采集系统的硬件设计    3
2.1电源模块    3
2.1温度采集模块    5
2.1.1 PT100传感器模块    5
2.2.2  AD7794    6
2.2 湿度采集模块    7
2.2.1SHT10的特性    7
2.2.2 SHT100的说明    8
2.3 气压采集模块    9
2.4  通信模块    10
2.5主控制器和开发环境    12
2.5.1 主控制器    12


2.5.2 开发环境    13
2.6 硬件系统实现    14
2.7 系統程序设计    14
3 采集系统的软件设计    16
3.1软件的开发平台简介    17
3.1.1 运行框架    17
3.1.2 开发工具    18
3.1.3开发语言    18
3.2采集系统界面    18
3.3通信方式    19
4 系统焊接与调试    20
4.1硬件电路的焊接    20
4.2系统的调试    20
4.3系统的成果展示    21
4.4实验结果与分析    22
4.4.1界面波形显示    22
4.4.2实验数据分析    23
5 总结    24
参考文献    24
致谢    26
附录    27
程序    27
