
密 惠 保
摘 要:中国与东盟各国贸易近年来取得了快速的发展,特别是在双方2010年建立起自由贸易区之后,这种贸易关系在未来必然会得到进一步深化拓展。而在中国与东盟经贸关系中,农产品贸易占据了重要地位。基于此,本文首先介绍了中国与东盟农产品贸易的总特征,接着分析了其贸易格局,得出了中国对东盟的农产品贸易逆差增大等结论,最后提出有利于中国农产品贸易发展的几点措施。
Analysis of Trade Pattern of Agricultural Product in CAFTA
Abstract: In recent years, the trade between China and ASEAN developed rapidly, especially after the establishment of ASEAN, and this relationship will undoubtedly be further promoted in future. While in the economic and trade relations between China and ASEAN, agricultural trade occupied an important position. Based on this, this paper first introduced the general characteristics of agricultural trade between China and ASEAN, and then analyze trade pattern, the results show that China’s agricultural trade deficit increased. Finally, the paper made several measures to develop the agriculture trade for China. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 WWW.56DOC.COM〗
Key words: Duty-free; Comparative advantage; Intra-industry trade