
密 惠 保
摘 要
【关键词】 CEPA 粤港区域 金融合作Abstract
A turning point was found for the financial cooperation betweenGuangdong and Hongkong when the “Closer Economic PartnershipArrangement” (simply called CEPA) was formally signed in 2003.Guangdong,as a fast developing province in the inland China, has aunique advantage of the economic strength and the local position tocooperate with Hongkong for the further development. On the basisof theoretical analysis and affirming the strategic significant ofthe cooperation between Guangdong and Hongkong, this paper mainlydiscusses the status of the financial cooperation and theopportunities of the future cooperation between the two. Then thesetup of the capital exchange could be gradually formed, and thecooperation in payment or clearing would be promoted rapidly, andthe cooperative business between bank would be handed well. Withthis good condition, there will be much development space inexpanding market business and changing the mode of the economics.Yet, because of the complete deference system, there is still somebarriers between the two partners’ cooperation in social credit andmarket mode. The following steps can be adopted for the furthercooperation, fatherly strengthening diversified cooperation infinancial field, making the condition to improve the cooperationlevel in financing, fatherly strengthening the support power of thegovernment to ensure the effectively enact of the financialcooperation. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.56doc.com〗 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
【Key Words】CEPA;the Region of Guangdong and Hongkong;Financial cooperation
目 录 12000字
1 CEPA背景下粤港金融合作的战略意义 .......................................2
1.1 CEPA内容简介 ...........................................................2
1.2 CEPA背景下加强粤港金融合作的意义 .......................................3
2 粤港金融合作的现状及未来双方进一步合作的机遇 ...........................4
2.1 粤港金融合作的现状 .....................................................4
2.2 未来粤港金融进一步合作的机会与领域 .....................................6
3 目前粤港金融合作存在的主要障碍 .........................................8
3.1 两地对CEPA的反应时滞和对策时滞较长影响了双方合作....................... 9
3.2 广东金融业发展的不足影响了双方合作的深度 ...............................9
3.3 制度的不健全影响了双方的深入合作 .......................................11
〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 5 6 D O C.C O M〗
4 CEPA背景下加强粤港金融合作的政策建议 ...................................12
4.1 进一步加强粤港两地在金融领域的多样化合作 ...............................12
4.2 创造条件提高两地金融合作层次 ...........................................14
4.3 进一步加大政府支持力度................................................. 15
参考文献 ....................................................................16
致 谢 .....................................................................17
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