密 惠 保
关键词:商业银行 风险预警 对策
Abstract: the risk early warning of financial operation may occur in the process of loss of assets and financial system damage analyzed the possibility, for the safe running of financial forecast, offer countermeasure and proposal. From our country financial system, the financial system of our country is being in the big adjustment period, the next few years, one is financial institutions, poor quality of assets, capital adequacy ratio is not in place, the company management structure is built of congruent problem cannot be solved in a short time; on the other hand is our country has joined WTO, the commercial bank directly in the face of foreign financial hot money impact, therefore, the establishment of an effective risk early warning system, strengthening the overall risk management appears especially urgent.
Key words: commercial bank risk early warning and countermeasure
目 录
1 商业银行风险的种类及传统风险管理的局限性 4
1.1商业银行风险的种类 4
1.2商业银行传统风险管理的局限性 5
2 建立风险预警体系的必要性及其基本构架 6
2.1 建立风险预警体系的必要性 6
2.2 风险预警体系的基本构架 7
3 建立我国商业银行风险预警体系的设想 8
3.1 建立风险预警体系的原则 8
3.2 风险预警指标体系的设计方案 9
3.3 风险预警的系统设计 9
4 构筑我国商业银行风险预警体系的对策 10
4.1 建立健全金融风险预警的组织体系 10
4.2 建立风险预警的整体规划 11
4.3 优化商业银行的金融运行环境 12
[参考文献] 13