密 惠 保
摘 要
After more than two years of practice and exploration, the Postal Savings Bank has expanded the scale of deposits and loans, expanded its business fields and accumulated operational risks. This poses a higher requirement for postal savings banks to strengthen risk management. However, due to the historical and institutional reasons of postal savings banks, risk management is weak. China Postal Savings Bank as a force in the financial market, with its business development, the continuous expansion of asset size, and its operational risks are gradually highlighted and accumulated. In order to speed up the transformation of Postal Savings Bank to modern commercial banks, improve their competitiveness in urban and rural markets, ensure their asset quality and safety and promote the steady development of various businesses, it is necessary to speed up the construction of postal savings banks' overall risk management system, The sound and rapid development "escort." Based on the deep analysis of postal savings bank risk management, this paper puts forward some constructive suggestions on establishing and improving its risk management system. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Keywords: Postal Savings Bank; Risk Management; Measures
目 录
第一章 邮政储蓄银行加强全面风险管理的重要性和紧迫性 1
1.1 业务规模扩大需要强化风险管理工作 1
1.2 业务范围延伸需要提高风险管理能力 1
1.3 改革过渡期需要加强风险管理以防范转型风险 1
1.4 实现可持续发展需要提高风险管理水平 2
第二章 邮政储蓄银行风险管理存在的问题 2
2.1 管理体制不顺严重阻碍了风险管理措施的完善和落实 2
2.2 风险管理架构和职能不完善 3
2.3 缺乏全面的风险管理意识 3
2.4 缺乏有效的风险管理激励机制 3
2.5 缺乏风险管理人才 4
第三章 建立邮政储蓄银行全面风险管理体系的措施 4
3.1 进一步理顺管理体制,为加强风险管理奠定基础 4 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
3.2 树立全面风险管理意识,提高风险管理能力 5
3.3 建立完善的风险管理组织架构,为风险管理提供组织保障 5
3.4 建立完善的风险管理政策体系,为风险管理提供政策导向 5
3.5 打造流程银行,提高风险管理效率 6
3.6 大力培养风险管理人才,实施“人才兴行”战略 6
总 结 8
参考文献 9 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]