
密 惠 保
With the rapid development of global Internet technology, more and more images are uploaded to the Internet, and the number of pictures that each person encounters each day increases rapidly, and people's requirements for image retrieval are also increasing. In order to solve the problem of large-scale image retrieval, hash-based image retrieval algorithms are commonly used. However, the accuracy of retrieval cannot satisfy people. How to improve the accuracy of the hash image retrieval method is a difficult problem. This article focuses on this issue.
In recent years, the hash algorithm has been more and more widely used in the field of image retrieval. This paper proposes a multi-feature iterative hash image retrieval method based on the traditional iterative quantification hash method and multi-feature hash method. The single feature adopted by the traditional method can not completely express the content information of an image. This paper proposes to use a multi-feature iterative hashing method to achieve fast retrieval of large-scale images. The multi-feature iterative hashing method proposed in this paper learns the compact hash code on several features of the data, taking into account the relationship between different features and the corresponding hash code. Finally, an iterative quantization method is used to obtain the optimal hash code. The search results are ranked in descending order of similarity.
In this paper, the algorithm is tested on the published CIFAR-10 data set. Experiments show that this method has better retrieval accuracy than iteratively quantized hash, position-sensitive hash, and shift-invariant position-sensitive hash. Greek method.
Key Words:Image Retrieval;Hashing;Multi-Future;Iterative quantization;

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2发展现状及问题 2
1.3本文主要内容及结构 3
第2章哈希图像检索相关知识 5
2.1图像检索基础知识 5
2.1.1基于文本的图像检索 5
2.1.2基于内容的图像检索 6
2.2图像的特征提取 7
2.2.1颜色特征 7
2.2.2纹理特征 7
2.2.3形状特征 8
2.3图像哈希算法 8
2.3.1位置敏感哈希(LSH) 9
2.3.2谱哈希(SH) 10
2.3.3锚点图哈希(AGH) 10
2.4本章小结 11
第3章多特征迭代哈希方法设计与实现 12
3.1迭代量化哈希(ITQ) 12
3.2符号与标记 13
3.3目标函数 13
3.4迭代求解 14
3.5本章小结 15
第4章实验与分析 16
4.1实验环境及参数 16
4.2实验性能评价 16
4.3实验结果分析 17
4.4本章小结 18
第5章总结与展望 19
5.1总结 19
5.2展望 19
参考文献 20
致谢 22 [资料来源:http://think58.com]